San Andreas Pc Cheats Mess Up Game

GTA San Andreas Cheats For PC. Activating cheat codes in the PC version of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is easy and involves just a few simple steps. With countless player, vehicle and world effects to choose from, we have you covered. Keep this guide on hand for all your San Andreas cheat code needs. The PC version of GTA San Andreas uses keyboard cheat codes. Enter these codes at any time to activate a cheat. In order to make them easy to read, i have decide to categorize the full list of Gta San Andreas Cheats PC into Primary Cheats, Spawn Cheats, Weather Cheats. How to enter gta San Andrea cheats PC? To use GTA San Andreas Cheat Codes and Cheats on the iOS and Android versions of the game require use of third party software to enable cheats. Download and install the app called Game Keyboard. This app adds a keyboard into the game and then you can enter then cheats (PC codes). GTA San Andreas PC Cheat Codes and Cheats.

  • 100% game completion bonuses

Successfully complete the game with a 100% game completion. CJ will get a stats boost, extra money, and a Rhino and Hydra will be delivered to CJ's house on Grove Street.
  • BF Injection

Get First place at the Dirt ring race Las Venturas Stadium.
  • Business references in Los Santos

In the 'Sunset Strip' area ,you can see a train car parked off the street (near the hill that you drive up to get to Mad Dog's mansion). This is supposed to be Carney's, the burger joint that is actually on the real Sunset Strip in Los Angeles. Additionally, earlier in the game, across the street where you meat Tenpenny (at a donut shop) for a mission, look at the wall across the street. You can see an advertisement for 'Blob Music', which is a reference to Amoeba Music which can be found in Hollywood, Berkeley, and San Francisco. The design looks almost identical to that of the real business.
In the opening sequence before you start the game (with the game credits), watch the pictures that are shown. In one picture is a building in Vinewood. This is a reference to the Capitol Records building in Hollywood. The building in the game is located somewhere in Vinewood.
  • Candy Suxxx reference

Some of the safe houses you can purchase have a familiar picture of adult film star Candy Suxxx on the wall, who originally appeared in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
  • Cheat Codes

While playing a game or at the pause menu, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. If you entered the code correctly, the message 'Cheat Activated' will appear.
Effect - Code
Adrenaline effects - munasef
Aggressive traffic - ylteicz
All cars have nitrous - speedfreak
Always 00:00 or 12:00 - xjvsnaj
Always 21:00 - ofviac
Armor, health, and money - hesoyam
Beach party theme - cikgcgx
Beater traffic - bgkgtjh
Black traffic - iowdlac
Bounty on your head - bagowpg
Carnival theme - crazytown
Cars fly away - bsxsggc
City in chaos - iojufzn
CJ jumps higher - kangaroo
Cloudy weather - alnsfmzo
Commit suicide - szcmawo
Deadly vehicle - jcnruad
Destroy all cars - cpktnwt Mess
Fast motion - speeditup
Flying boats - flyingfish
Flying cars - ripazha
Foggy weather - cfvfgmj
Gangs and workers - mroemzh
Gangs only - bifbuzz
Hitman level in all weapons - professionalkiller
Infinite ammunition - fullclip
Infinite health - baguvix
Invisible cars - xicwmd
Kinky theme - bekknqv
Lower wanted level - asnaeb
Manual weapon control in cars - ouiqdmw
Massive BMX bunny hops - cjphonehome
Maximum fat - btcdbcb
Maximum lung capacity - cvwkxam
Maximum muscle - buffmeup
Maximum respect - worshipme
Maximum sex appeal - helloladies
Maximum vehicle skills - naturaltalent
No fat or muscle - kvgyzqk
No hunger - aeduwnv
Pedestrians are Elvis - bluesuedeshoes
Pedestrians attack with guns - bgluawml
Pedestrians have weapons - foooxft
Pedestrians riot - ajlojyqy
Perfect handling - pggomoy
Pink traffic - llqpfbn
Raise wanted level - osrblhh
Recruit anyone into gang with guns - sjmahpe
Recruit anyone into gang with rocket launcher - zsoxfsq
Reduced traffic - ghosttown
Rural theme - bmtpwhr
Rural traffic - fvtmnbz
Sandstorm weather - cwjxuoc
Six star wanted level - bringiton
Slow motion - slowitdown
Spawn Bloodring Banger - cqzijmb
Spawn Caddy - rzhsuew
Spawn Dozer - eegcyxt
Spawn Hunter - ohdude
Spawn Hydra - jumpjet
Spawn Jetpack - rocketman
Spawn Monster - monstermash
Spawn Parachute - aiypwzqp
Spawn Quad - akjjyglc
Spawn Racecar - pdnejoh
Spawn Racecar - vpjtqwv
Spawn Rancher - jqntdmh
Spawn Rhino - aiwprton
Spawn Romero - aqtbcodx
Spawn Stretch - celebritystatus
Spawn Stunt Plane - urkqsrk
Spawn Tanker - amomhrer
Spawn Trashmaster - truegrime
Spawn Vortex - kgggdkp
Speed up time - ysohnul
Sports car traffic - gusnhde
Rainy weather - auifrvqs
Stormy weather - mghxyrm
Sunny weather - afzllqll
Super punches - iavenjq
Taxi missions completed - vkypqcf
Traffic lights remain green - zeiivg
Very sunny weather - icikpyh
Wanted level never increases - aezakmi
Weapons (tier 1) - lxgiwyl
Weapons (tier 2) - kjkszpj
Weapons (tier 3) - uzumymw
Yakuza theme - ninjatown
Note: The 'Drive on water' and 'Pimping missions completed' codes are not available in the PC version of the game.
  • DRIV3R reference in Madd Dogg's Rhymes mission

Just before you sneak past Madd Dogg, he will say 'Tanner you suck! damn you, Refractions, how could you mess up so bad?!' This is a reference to DRIV3R, only they changed 'Reflections' to 'Refractions'.
  • Dune Buggy

Beat the score of 25 at the Dirt Ring.
  • Easily complete fire truck missions

Bring a fire truck from another location into Angel Pine, then start the mission. This should be easier than doing it in Los Santos, San Fierro, the desert, or Las Venturas. When you do it at this location, and you are stuck on a cliff that you cannot get up (for example, if the burning car is on the freeway), take your time by taking the long way. You should only use this method if you have at least three minutes or more time remaining. Note: All fires will not always appear in Angel Pine, as they may also happen in Whetstone or other nearby places. Although this sounds difficult, there are not that many roads near the Angel Pine area which actually makes it easier to complete. If the fire truck gets severely damaged, enable the 'Health' code.
  • Easily complete paramedic missions

Go to Angel Pine, which is located in southeast area of the main map. In the northeast part of Angel Pine is a medical building with an Ambulance next to it. Get in it and start the missions. All the victims will appear in the city, which is very small. The farthest person will only be about ten seconds away from the drop off point. You can complete the missions in less then ten minutes by doing this. Also, the cops do not appear very often, allowing your wanted level to remain low. Additionally, do the Paramedic mission in the Angel Pine area. Start the missions. All injured people that must be taken to the hospital will be in the crowded town. Unlike the fire truck missions if done in this town, this mission has all the people in one place. Once you complete this mission, you will your health increased to 150. This is a also very good reward because you can jump from the highest place in the game without dying from the fall. Note: If you have the parachute in your inventory, you will die.
  • Easily complete vigilante missions

Use the Rhino to complete the vigilante missions easier. Additionally, start the mission, put the vehicle in your garage, and exit so that the door closes. Enable the 'Destroy all cars' code. The criminals will be killed. Run back to the garage, hop in the car, and repeat. This is also a good way to quickly gain more money and status points. Get an FBI Rancher and drive onto the Julius Thruway in Las Venturas. Start Vigilante mode and begin driving around the highway. Just stay on the highway, and you will notice that the criminals start dying for no apparent reason. Just drive for about twenty minutes to get the 150 armor award easily.
  • Enable extra health

To enable 50 percent extra health complete level 12 of the paramedic mission.
  • Enable fireproof

To enable fireproof complete level 12 of the fire fighter missions.
  • Fire truck missions bonus

Steal a fire truck and start the fire truck missions. Successfully complete level 12 of the fire truck missions to make CJ fireproof.
  • Freeway

Get all Bronze awards in Bike School.
  • Freight Train missions bonus

Successfully complete level 2 of the Freight Train missions to get $50,000 and free train rides.
  • Grand Theft Auto 3 reference

Pay close attention to the shows that are heard on WFTC while cruising around San Andreas. Notice that one of the shows is called 'Gardening With Maurice'. If listened to Chatterbox in Grand Theft Auto 3, you may remember Lazlow (the host) talking to a caller who said 'Gardening With Maurice' got taken off the air. Obviously this game takes place further in the past, so 'Gardening With Maurice' is still on.
  • Grand Theft Auto 3 reference in Farewell My Love mission

The man who Catalina is with is the main character from Grand Theft Auto 3. At the end of the mission, she gives a pink slip but it is not to her car She says that she needs her car because they are going to Liberty City.
  • Grand Theft Auto 3 reference in Las Venturas

Go to any casino in Las Venturas and play video poker. Notice that there are various characters from Grand Theft Auto 3 on the faces of the cards. Additionally, go to any casino in Las Venturas. Find a blackjack vendor and play blackjack. If a King, Queen, or Joker appears, you can see some characters from the Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City. Some of them are Ricardo Diaz, Candy Suxxx, a man trying to look up wearing sunglasses, Asuka Kasen, Steve Scott, Donald Love, Marty Chonks, Misty, Don Salvatore Leone, and Lance Vance. Note: If you cannot see the characters clearly, use the video poker instead.
  • Grand Theft Auto 3 reference in Wu Zi Mu mission

In the opening sequence to the mission, look in the car in the background to see your character from Grand Theft Auto 3 sitting inside.
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City reference in 555 We Tip mission

While going to the destination marker, you will see police cars chase a car and a man firing at them. If you look closely, you can see it is Tommy Vercetti from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Be careful -- the police will sometimes crash into you, giving you one star on your wanted meter.
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City reference in Los Santos

Near the Vinewood area and the Market district, there is a giant studio company that you can enter. If you look at it, these buildings are the same ones that are at Interglobal Studios in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Keep looking around the building and you will see the front offices. In big letters, the name of the company is posted. It is Interglobal Television.
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City references

In the mission when you have to rescue Truth's friends, one of them is Kent Paul from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. The old man who runs the casino that you later meet in the mission is Ken Rosenberg, Tommy Vercetti's lawyer in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and mentions Tommy and the 'good old days' in an intermission sequence.
Walk into an Ammu-Nation and listen carefully. You can hear a commercial that was featured in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. It says 'The store leading the fight against communism is having a blowout sale! Ammunation has a wide selection of Peace Makers! Come by Ammunation on Militia Mondays... '
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City references in Las Venturas

In the intermission sequence for Wuzi's casino mission entitled 'Key To Her Heart', the board that CJ reveals is none other than the band Love Fist from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Additionally, one of the safe houses in Las Venturas is a casino in the northern part. Behind it is a sign of Candy Suxx moving her leg.
On the Old Venturas Strip, the cowboy on a casino is Grand Theft Auto: Vice City's southern real estate tycoon Avery Carrington.
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City references in San Fierro

Go inside the Zero RC toy shop. Behind the cashier is a game being sold. That game is Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Additionally, go to the counter inside the Zero RC toy shop. You will see a rack of action figures that includes Tommy Vercetti from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
Buy the house in the Carlton Heights area (near the Go Kart Track). Go inside and look to your left. There should be a hallway. To your left should be your wardrobe. Look to your right and walk through the first door. After it opens, look at the picture above the bed to see the Diaz/Vercetti mansion from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
  • Homie house portrait

Target your homies and press G until you have three of them. Then, press it before you go into your house making sure they are following you. Go to the save point and press G before you go through it. When you have saved you will see your homies standing there.
  • Horseshoe bonus

Collect all fifty horseshoes in Las Venturas to get a M4, MP5, combat shotgun, and satchel charges to appear at the Four Dragons Casino.
  • Hotknife

Get all gold medals in the Driving school.
  • Hotring racer

Get First place in 8-Track.
  • Increase muscle or stamina

At about 22:00, go to a gym and work out, maxing yourself. After you have worked out enough for the day, wait another minute until the time is 0:00. Max yourself out for that day then go home. Save two or three times and you can repeat this process. To get your character maxed out in the muscle and stamina attributes, do the following. Go the gym near the Johnson house. Work out until you are told that it is enough for one day. Go home (right down the block), save the game to advance to the next day. Return to the gym and you can work out again. You can now max out your muscle and stamina in less then a half hour.
  • Jet Pack

Complete the Airstip asset near Las Venturas.
  • Keep weapon after getting busted

Date Barbara.
  • Keep weapon after getting wasted

Date Katie.
  • Manhunt reference in Los Santos

Enter the bar near CJ's house. Along with various other paintings on the inside walls, there will be the red-eyed elite guardsmen that worked for the Director in Manhunt.
  • Manhunt reference in Red County

In Fisherman's Lagoon, there is a circle wire holder. On it is a company name and Carcer, which was the city in Manhunt.
  • Manhunt reference in San Fierro

When you first start the Zero RC toy shop's missions, watch the intermission sequence. Look closely in the background to see action figures of the main character from Manhunt, James Earl Cash.
  • Manhunt reference in Whetstone

There is a junkyard in the Mt. Chiliad/Shady Creek area that is exactly like the junkyard level in Manhunt. You can also find a Dozer here to drive.
  • Medic Outfit

100% with Katie Zhan.
  • Mike Toreno missions bonus

Successfully complete all missions assigned by Mike Toreno to get a flamethrower, minigun, rocket launcher, and homing rocket launcher to appear at his cabin in Tierra Robada.
  • Modify vehicle characteristics

Use a text editor to edit the 'handling.cfg' file in the 'rockstar gamesgta san andreasdata' directory. You will find a list of all the vehicles and a description of each multiplier factor. You can modify the acceleration, top speed, mass, monetary value, transmission, gravity center, and much more.
  • Monster Truck

Win it by beatin the 8-Track Tournament.
  • Notre Dame parody in Las Venturas

Enter the bar called The Craw Bar in Las Venturas. As soon as you enter, you will see a small Notre Dame sign that instead reads 'Notre Lame' on the wall directly ahead.
  • NRG 500

Get all gold medals in Bike School. This bike can be found quite easily in a car park near the Johnson house.
  • Oyster bonus

Collect all fifty oysters to increase your sex appeal and lung capacity. Note: To find the oysters faster, get a Sea Sparrow (which can land on water). You can find one by the Sherman Dam.
  • Paramedic missions bonus

Steal an ambulance and start the paramedic missions. Successfully complete level 12 of the paramedic missions to get a health limit of 150.
  • Pimp Outfit

100% with Denise Robinson.
  • Pimping mission

To start the pimping mission, enter a broadway (low-rider vehicle) and press R3. Drive the prostitutes to their destinations for big cash. After the tenth 'trick' prostitutes PAY you rather than you paying them.
  • Plain Text Cheat Codes

Type these codes during gameplay. The set code can be uppercase or lowercase.
  • Gangs Control the Streets
  • Elvis is Everywhere
  • Six Star Wanted Level
  • Cars Float Away When Hit
  • Max Muscle
  • Spawn Stretch
  • Huge Bunny Hop
  • Funhouse Theme
  • Dirt bikez
  • spawn sanchez
  • Traffic is Cheap Cars
  • Traffic is Fast Cars
  • Boats Fly
  • Spawn Stunt Plane
  • Spawn Quad
  • Infinite Ammo, No Reload
  • Reduced Traffic
  • Suicide
  • Max Sex Appeal
  • Spawn Dozer
  • Spawn Hydra
  • Mega Jump
  • Spawn Monster
  • Max All Vehicle Skill Stats
  • Always Midnight
  • Ninja Theme
  • Spawn Hunter
  • Spawn Bloodring Banger
  • Gang Members Everywhere
  • Sunny Weather
  • Hitman In All Weapon Stats
  • Weapon Set 2, Professional Tools
  • Have Jetpack
  • Recruit Anyone (Rockets)
  • Thunderstorm
  • Slower Gameplay
  • All Cars Have Nitro
  • Faster Gameplay
  • Chaos Mode
  • Perfect Handling
  • Mega Punch
  • Weapon Set 1, Thug's Tools
  • Very Sunny Weather
  • Spawn Trashmaster
  • Testeducationalskills
  • No Wanted Level
  • Weapon set3
  • Spawn Racecar
  • Invisible car
  • Spawn Romero
  • Max Respect
  • Police Outfit

100% with Barbara.
  • Quarry missions bonus

Successfully complete level 7 of the Quarry missions to get the Hunter Quarry asset and Quarry Mission time-trials.
  • Racing bonus

Get first place in all races at the four racing locations across San Andreas (marked with a checkered flag on the map/radar) to win $1,000,000.
  • Racing Outfit

100% with Michelle.
  • Radio comments

After doing some Grove Street missions and seizing territory, one of the DJs on the radio will say 'Have you heard Grove Streets making a comeback? That's great news. hope they don't take me out just for playing this music.'
After the 555 We Tip mission, another DJ says 'Did you hear about that D.A. with the trunk full of drugs? I can't believe that. Keeping it all for his own personal stash.'
You can also listen to the talk radio to hear Lazlo host the entertainment section, where he interviews OG LOC (the rapper you help during the Grove Street missions) OG LOC's manager is now Big Smoke.
  • Rustler

Get all Bronze medal in pilot school.
  • Snapshot bonus

Take all fifty snapshots in San Fierro to get a sniper rifle, Micro SMG, shotgun, and grenades to appear at your San Fierro garage.
  • Stunt plane

MessGet all silver medals at the pilot school.
  • Super GT

Get all Bronze medal in Driving school.
  • Tag bonus

Spray all one hundred hidden tags in Los Santos to get an AK-47, Tec-9, Sawn-off shotgun, and Molotov cocktails to appear inside your house on Grove Street.
  • Taxi missions bonus

Gta San Andreas Pc Cheats

Steal a taxi and start the taxi missions. After a total of 50 successful fares, you will unlock hydraulics and nitrous on all taxi-class vehicles. After using nitrous, you must wait awhile between shots. However, that time decreases as your driving skill increases.
  • Truck missions bonus

Steal a truck and start the truck missions. Successfully complete level 8 of the trucking missions to unlock RS Haul as a property.
  • Two player mode

Successfully complete the Burning Desire mission where you rescue Denise. A red two player free roam icon will now appear on Denise's porch near the door. The icon will appear there when she is home and will go on a date. Note: If both enter a car, the passenger will have free aim with a machine gun. Do not try to kill Denise, because you will never be able to date her again or play in two player mode at her house. Additionally, once you get your girlfriend, take her on a date. After you drop her off, there will be a rotating icon of two people directly in front of the door. Walk into it. It will tell you to push any button on the controller two. Do so to start two player mode, involving CJ and his girlfriend in a free roam. For more fun in two player mode, start the two player mission. Then, enable the 'Spawn Jetpack' code and remove the Jetpack. Then, have player two get the Jetpack. Enable the Jetpack code again, then have player one get it. Both players can now fly around and do the two player missions this way.
  • Two player mode in Bone County

Starting at the abandoned airstrip, go west and north onto the road. There is a blackish-brown building on the south side of the road with a large balcony going all the way around it. Follow the balcony half way around and you will find a two player mode icon.
  • Two player mode in Los Santos

Note: You must have a second controller inserted in port two. In the Ganton area, start from Grove Street where the Johnson house is located. Drive under the first bridge and continue to go straight. Next, youshould drive over some railroad tracks. After this, you should drive under a second bridge. Take the first right turn you see. It should be a dead end. Drive until your car hits the grass, then look to your left. You should see an open doorway. Walk through it and you should see a small '2 Player' icon. Press any button on controller two to begin. Additionally, when you are on the missions from Big Smoke go north of his house. You should see some wrecked buildings. Go through them to find a two player free roam icon.
  • Two player mode in San Fierro

Not far from the garage you own and beyond the construction area is a large building with a parking lot on either side, on the right side (north according to the map) is a two player icon. Multiple people types can be selected by the second player (three women and three men). Unlike those from the dating missions, this two player location will never go away.
  • Two player mode in Tierra Robada

Start at your safe house in El Quebrados. Get on the street and follow it a short distance south until it turns left around the corner of a building. On the south side of this building will be a two player free roam icon.
  • Two player mode in Whetstone

Go to the General Store in Dilmore. There is a two player icon there. The second player will be able to change their character.
  • Unlock various guns

To enable the Ak-47, Tec-9, Sawn-Off Shotgun, and Molotov Cocktails to spawn in the Johnson's Family Home complete all 100 tags in Los Santos.

San Andreas Pc Cheats

  • Valet Parking missions bonus

Successfully complete level 5 of the Valet Parking missions in downtown San Fierro to get the San Fierro Valet Parking as an asset property.
  • Vigilante missions bonus

Steal any policy vehicle and start the vigilante missions. Successfully complete level 12 of the vigilante missions to get an armor limit of 150.
  • Xbox reference in Madd Dogg's Rhymes mission

When stealing the lyrics from Madd Dogg for Og Loc, you must sneak around in the mansion. When passing Madd Dogg playing his video game, look closely to see that it strongly resembles an Xbox system.
  • Get exclusive Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens

Get exclusive Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens.

San Andreas Pc Cheats Mess Up Games


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Words fail to describe the insane popularity of the Grand Theft Auto (GTA) franchise. Since its first introduction to the world of gaming in October 1977, the series has gone such a long way and achieved massive success. The latest installment - GTA V is the second best selling game of all-time with over 1,300,000 copies sold worldwide, generating over $6 billion of revenue. But, such numbers won’t be a reality without the sturdy foundation that previous installments had laid down. Today, we’re bringing you one of those classics on a guide to GTA SA for PC cheats, and how to complete your missions easily.

GTA SA For PC Cheats: About The Game

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is the seventh installment of the famous franchise, developed by Rockstar North, and published by Rockstar Games in 2004. The game follows the classic open-world adventure concept that allows players to freely explore and interact with surrounding elements. The game revolves around a former gangster Carl Johnson (CJ), who comes home after the death of his mother. His story leads players through a journey across the fictional city of San Andreas, which is based on California and Nevada.

GTA San Andreas for PC cheats will help you explore the game with various references to the real-world - featuring a plot heavily based on the actual events that happened in Los Angeles in the early 1990s. It features street gang violence, the crack epidemic, the Rampart Scandal, and the 1992 LA riots. San Andreas brings refreshingly new touches that later incorporated into future installments, such as RPG gameplay, clothing, and vehicle customizations. Dubbed as one of the greatest video games ever created, GTA SA received multiple praises and became the best selling game of 2004.

GTA SA For PC Cheats: Code List

Being an open-world adventure game, there are so many elements in San Andreas that can have an effect on your experience. Sometimes, you may even lose track of what you’re doing with the game. Luckily, we can always count on the help of the trusty cheat codes. Here’s the list of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas for PC cheats for your reference.

GTA San Andreas For PC Cheats: Gameplay And World Cheats

These codes alter the gameplay mechanics and affect the map/NPCs in San Andreas:

  • Restore health, armor, give $250,000, repair vehicle: HESOYAM
  • Give infinite health: BAGUVIX
  • Infinite oxygen: CVWKXAM
  • Weapon set 1: LXGIWYL
  • Get Set 3: UZUMYMW
  • Auto vehicle handling: STICKLIKEGLUE
  • Enter Adrenaline mode: ANOSEONGLASS
  • Give infinite ammo without reloading: FULLCLIP
  • Add 2 wanter level: TURNUPTHEHEAT
  • Delete wanted level: TURNDOWNTHEHEAT
  • Change to fat character model: BTCDBCB
  • Muscular character model: BUFFMEUP
  • Skinny character model: KVGYZQK
  • Turn off wanted level: AEZAKMI
  • Max out wanted level (6 stars): BRINGITON
  • Maximum respect: WORSHIPME
  • Max sex appeal: HELLOLADIES
  • Maximum stamina: VKYPQCF
  • Acquire hitman level for weapon stats: PROFESSIONALKILLER
  • Max out vehicle skills: NATURALTALENT
  • Fast movement speed: SPEEDITUP
  • Slow movement speed: SLOWITDOWN
  • Citizens fight with golf clubs: AJLOJYQY
  • Put a bounty on your head: BAGOWPG
  • Make pedestrians hunt you down: FOOOXFT
  • Commit suicide: GOODBYECRUELWORLD
  • Change citizen to Elvis model: BLUESUEDESHOES
  • Citizens fight with rocket launchers: BGLUAWML
  • Open beach party mode: LIFESABEACH
  • Enter gang member mode: ONLYHOMIESALLOWED
  • Gain gang control: BIFBUZZ
  • Change to ninja theme: NINJATOWN
  • Women start talking to you: BEKKNQV
  • CJ jump bunny hop: CJPHONEHOME
  • Jump super long: KANGAROO
  • Enter riot mode: STATEOFEMERGENCY
  • Enable funhouse mode: CRAZYTOWN
  • Recruit gang members: SJMAHPE
  • Make all cars explode: CPKTNWT
  • Invisible cars: WHEELSONLYPLEASE
  • Turn all traffic lights green: ZEIIVG
  • Drivers turn aggressive: YLTEICZ
  • Change car color to pink: LLQPFBN
  • Car color to black: IOWDLAC
  • All cars are cheap: EVERYONEISPOOR
  • Cars are fast: EVERYONEISRICH
  • Give flying cars: CHITTYCHITTYBANGBANG
  • Flying boats: FLYINGFISH
  • Decrease cars’ endurance: JCNRUAD
  • Give all cars nitro: SPEEDFREAK
  • Moon car gravity: BUBBLECARS
  • Enable free aim while driving: OUIQDMW
  • Cut down on traffic: GHOSTTOWN
  • Spawn country vehicles: FVTMNBZ
  • Country vehicles and citizens: BMTPWHR

GTA San Andreas For PC Cheats: Spawn Cheats

Use these codes to spawn all kinds of vehicles you want, even tanks!

  • Jetpack: ROCKETMAN
  • Rhino Tank: IWPRTON
  • Parachute: AIYPWZQP
  • Bloodring Banger: OLDSPEEDDEMON
  • Rancher: JQNTDMH
  • Racecars: VROCKPOKEY
  • Trashmaster: TRUEGRIME
  • Caddy: RZHSUEW
  • Hydra: JUMPJET
  • Vortex Hovercraft: KGGGDKP
  • Hunter: OHDUDE
  • Tanker truck: AMOMHRER
  • Stunt plane: FLYINGTOSTUNT
  • Monster: MONSTERMASH

GTA San Andreas For PC Cheats: Weather Cheats

These codes will give you total control of San Andreas’ weather:

  • Give sunny weather: PLEASANTLYWARM
  • Super sunny weather: TOODAMNHOT
  • Overcast weather: ALNSFMZO - Overcast Weather
  • Rainy weather: AUIFRVQS
  • Foggy weather: CFVFGMJ
  • Fast forward the time: YSOHNUL
  • Stay in midnight: NIGHTPROWLER
  • Orange sky: OFVIAC
  • Thunderstorm weather: SCOTTISHSUMMER
  • Sandstorm weather: CWJXUOC

GTA SA For PC Cheats: How To Skip Missions

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, unfortunately, isn’t an installment of the franchise in which “skipping” is available. It means that there aren’t GTA San Andreas PC cheats to complete all missions. You must take on the challenge with your own skills and with the help of the codes above, we can’t imagine it’ll be that hard. However, if you still want to skip the missions entirely, just download the saved files and replace yours with them. Many sites on the Internet offer these files, but you should go for trusty sites like Download the mission you want, then simply replace them into your GTA SA folder. But, where’s the fun in that?

Grand Theft Auto is always a great title to enjoy, regardless of your level of skills, experience, or game knowledge. San Andreas is no exception. You can always count on the GTA SA for PC cheats to help you learn the game, and even have a little fun running across the city in a Rhino Tank. That’s all it is for now on our guide on GTA SA PC cheats download. For more insightful guides, tips, and tricks, visit our website at