Game Cheats For Super Mario Sunshine Gamecube

When you're playing Super Mario Sunshine, go to one of those levels where shadow Mario steals your nozzle. Do the level until you find a life. Press start and exit the.

  • 1 shine sprite

To get 1 shine sprite you need the turbo-nozzle. Once you have it go next to the police men and tirbo into the door you will be in a minigame and you can only do the minigame with the turbo-nozzle. | Submitted by Ruler
  • 1 sprite for the cost of 0!

If you want one sprite you will need:
Yoshi skill

Mario Sunshine Gamecube

Maybe Fruit.
Once you have got these set off to the place where boats come (not In the sea!) and WITH yoshi skillfully jump onto a boat and wait until you get to and ISLAND... If you do not get onto the island try the other boat. once you get to the island with no basket quickly eat the yellow bird for a sprite!
NOTE: If you collect a sprite with yoshi he will say 'Yoshi!'. | Submitted by Ruler
  • Access Pianta Village Anytime

This trick allows you to access Pianta Village without the rocket nozzle. Get behind the Shine Gate in Delfino Plaza, and jump onto the first small wall. Face away from the gate, backflip (quickly press the opposite direction and jump) and hover over to the large Shine, and land on the little overhang surrounding it. Go to the edge facing the rest of the plaza, turn around, and do a triple jump, only make the first two jumps small. Do this next part quickly and carefully: on the peak of the third jump, hover, turn around, and grab on to the top of the gate. Jump into the pipe, and congrats! You've just gotten into Pianta Village without using the Rocket Nozzle. | Submitted by DayleJ
  • Alternate ending screen

If you complete the game with 119 Shine Sprites or less you will get an ending screen in which el Piantissimo inspects the paintbrush. However, if you finish it with all 120 Shine Sprites, the ending screen will show all the characters in the game.
  • Avoid losing health when falling

When falling from high places, press L to do a Ground Pound. This will make you fall very fast and not lose health.
  • Begining Mishap

In the beginning, when you are doing 'Road To Big Windmill', look at the top of the windmill and you will notice that Petey is already there. If you beat him at this time, you will skip the first stage and you will be able to go to the third level. This is how you get to him. First, go to those platforms that have the ropes attached to the side, and jump up the ropes to the wood and start going up the side of the windmill and eventually get to the top where Petey resides. It will be just like the battle in the second level. Beat Petey and you have access to the third level without having to do all of the work of the first level. Hope this will help you in some strange sort of way. | Submitted by Matthew
  • Blue coins easily

To get blue coins explore the whole place around Isle Delfino (NOTE: You Can Find people on little Islands too!) and you find people that ask you For things and put it in there basket (e.g. Coconut,pineapple etc.) If you get them what they require they will give you 1 Blue Coin, once you have ten visit somewhere on isle delfino to trade 10 for a sprite. If you do this cheat again you will get a life. | Submitted by CHEATer
  • Bubba-Proof

In Gelato Beach and other levels where there are Bubbas (the big red fish that drags Mario underwater), you can keep them from doing this attack with this little trick. Pick up a piece of fruit and start swimming with it. It will enable a glitch where they cannot drag you. This is very useful for the Red Coin Shine in Gelato Beach.
  • Complete Game

You need 120 sprites to complete the game. | Submitted by Ruler
  • Easy cleaning

Instead of taking a bath each time Mario gets dirty, do one or two spin jumps.
  • Easy Coins / Blue Coins

If you don't know how to use the circle spots on the ground (doesn't matter where you are) then here's how. First, step onto the circle. Then, do a ground pound on it. There, you will fall down a hole and you will get to explore underground! You can find coins or sometimes even blue coins. Use them to get to secret places. | Submitted by Austin
  • Easy Lives

After you beat the game you can go to the Delfino Airport. When your there gather 100 coins to obtain a 1-up. Exit the stage and head over toward the cannon that sends you to Delfino Park. Dive in the water at the end of the street and at the sea floor is a hole with a free man. Get it and return to the Delfino Airstrip. it costs 10 coins which means you now have 90. Gather 10 more to get the 1-up and then leave. Get the one under the water again and keep repeating this trick for massive lives. | Submitted by NickAddy
  • Easy Shine Sprites

For An Easy Shine Sprite Go To the Lighthouse with the passage way to Gelato Beach,but don't go to Gealto Beach, Run Around Squirting F.L.U.D.D. The Spray Nozzle ,Not Hover Nozzle. When You see Red sparks keep spraying in that area untill you get a shine sprite.
For another Shine Sprie when you get the rocket nozzle in delfino plaza go to the same light house in the above cheat. Rocket jump to the top and you should see a black cover. Rocket jump again and ground pound tobreak off the cover a shine sprite will apear.
Go to the island that man is marooned on and get on top of the tree. You should see a golden bird spray it and it will drop a shine sprite.
On level *8* in Pianta Village climb the tallest tree and get on top of the platform in the middle of the tree there should also be a red coin there. Look up at the sun and spray at it to get an easy shine sprite. | Submitted by thaBig'A'
  • End Bonus

Successfully complete and save your game. Then you can pay 10 coins to use a boat near the clock tower where Yoshi is found to return to the Airport level at the start of the game. | Submitted by CenturionZ_1
  • Extra Shine

Here's how to get an extra shine sprite. Go to the east side of town, and you'll see a blue Pianta guy, jumping with anger:). Get onto that building and cross the rope. When you get to the other side, climb to the very top of that tower. you'll see a bell on the tower straight across from you, with a bunch of goop on it. spray it until it's clean, and a shine sprite will appear. Got to the building connected to the one you're on and ground pound on the little circle with the picture on it. then go the direction opposite the water. Then you'll be under a tower. Now Jump to get the shine sprite.(Do a back flip jump, and then use the hover nozzle while in the air to get it.) | Submitted by MattO.
  • Faster transportation

To make Mario get around a little faster, use the single spray nozzle and shoot a small amount of water in front of him. Run and press B to do a belly slide. He will slide through the water and keep going at a high speed. This will continue as long as you do not hit anything.
  • Finding coins

Find a patch of flowers and spray them all quickly. Four or five Coins will appear from the middle of the patch.
  • Fludd can do more

F.L.U.D.D Can do more (Turbo Nozzle, Hover nozzle). | Submitted by Ruler
  • Fruity Flips

In any episode ,except 3 in the level with the Minor walkers, if you bring Fruit by the minor walkers on land, they will automatically flip over. | Submitted by John
  • Get Shine sprites (two)

Shine 1:To get 2 shine sprites you wil need the turbo-Nozzle (this cannot be done any other way). Once you have got it on head nest to the man where he says 'somone Ruined My wall) and there will be a little door next to him use your turbo nozzle to break through the door and collect the sprite!
Shine 2: Again you need the turbo nozzle. Head to the beach on the left and you will see lots of grass and rock statues and dont go up on them stay in the water swim next to the one with a little window use your turbo nozzle and break through and collect the sprite! | Submitted by Ruler
  • Get the first shine in Dolfino Plaza easier

The easy way to get the shine near the lighthouse in the pipe over the pillar things is to jump whenever you hit an obstacle and hover over/around the gaps. | Submitted by DirtySanchez
  • Get to Gooper Blooper faster

On the Ricco Harbor level when you fight glooper blooper the first time at the begining of the level you will have to go across the little ship. Instead of going right before the end of the ship go to the end of it and jump on to the place where the ricco tower is placed on. Jump on the little stack of boxes and climb onto the top. Make sure you have your hover nozzle. Perform a very big spin jump and the second you wo'nt go any higher before you start to fall use your hover nozzle and grab on the legde You will get to Glooper Blooper much faster that way. | Submitted by TurnerDolman
  • Get two shine sprites in Delfino Plaza

To get the first shine sprite, go to the lighthouse (not the lighthouse where you can get a shine sprite by using ten coins)and hover across the big blocks and jump into the tube.Then complete the mini level, it will get you a shine sprite.To get the second shine sprite, you will need the gray nozzle. There is a door with a shine sprite trapped,to get it activate your gray nozzle and run into the door, you should have it. | Submitted by JayoDestroyer
  • Get Yoshi

Progress though the game till you get 25 Shine Sprites. Go to Pinnal Park and complete Story #4 . You will now be back in town. The Fake Mario will appear with an egg. Chase him down to get Yoshi.
  • Higher jumps with Yoshi

Do Mario's spinning technique when on Yoshi to jump higher. He can also spit juice in this form.
  • How to get alot of lives

When you're playing Super Mario Sunshine, go to one of those levels where shadow Mario steals your nozzle. Do the level until you find a life. Press start and exit the level. Then, go back to that level and get the life. Do this over until you get as many lives as you want. | Submitted by ClarissaAvila
  • How to get last level early!

As soon as you get the rocket nozzle, head to the plaza. Get on the box near the right side of the plaza, and now jump off of it now using the rocket launcher. Try to land on the place where the big shine sprite is. When you do, spray the big sprite until it is clean, then a cutscene should show you have the last level. | Submitted by sunshiner56
  • Look around and you will find these & get these!

Gold Birds = Shine
Green Butterfly = 1up
Green Birds = Coin
Gold Butterflys = coin
Bees = Coin
Bee Hives = Blue Coin
Blue Birds = Blue Coin | Submitted by RobertWolfe
  • Music Fudging

This trick works on the Gelato Beach level in the stage, 'Wiggler Ahoy! Full Steam Ahead!'. Battle Wiggler as usual, then, when you've ground pounded the worm the third time, you'll hear the boss music slow down. Before the Shine Sprite appears, press Z to view your map.
If you timed the Z press correctly, you'll hear the slower remix of the boss music! In the map mode, hit cancel, then IMMEDIATELY press the Z button again to listen to a much faster remix! This doesn't give you any extra lives or anything, BUT it is useful if you love game music!
  • Pinball Table Level in Delfino Plaza

Go to the harbour in Delfino Plaza. Wait awhile and a boat will come in. Jump on top of the boat and wait for it to leave. As you are going under the bridge, jump and get the coin. You will go inside a secret level. Collect the coins for a Shine. | Submitted by TheGamingZuchini
  • Quick Save

Now, you don't have to do all of that hard work to get to Corona Mountain. This will only work if you have 200 coins or more. Talk to the pianta on the building who throws you into the shine building. Give him 200 coins or more and he will fling you into Corona Mountain. And you thought he was a useless bum! | Submitted by Sarah
  • Quick way to high Jump With Mario

Instead of trying to do three whole jumps to do a big Jump with Mario. You can just run and then turn anywhere and then mud sould come from his shoes If IT does Press 'A' and He will do the maximum High jump. | Submitted by Ruler
  • Raining

To seem as if it is raining, have the sprayer equipped and do a triple jump. Then, hold R after you land. Drops will be falling from the sky.
  • Return to the Airport

Once you've beaten the game (and saved your game), you will be able to go back to the Airport from the very beginning. It'll cost you, though. For the price of 10 coins, a boat close to the clocktower where you find Yoshi will take you to the Airport level -- which is filled with coins and fun stuff to do.
  • Secret Red Coins

Super Mario For Gamecube

When you complete a minigame go back to the same level and there will be a red coin challenge. | Submitted by robert
  • Select files with moves

When you are selecting a file you can do a Spin Move and the Side Jump to get onto the blocks. Game Cheats For Super Mario Sunshine Gamecube
  • Spinning jump

After jumping, you can do a spin by rotating the Analog-stick once in a circle.
  • Sunglasses and Hawaiian Shirt

Both of these items are given to you by the man wearing sunglasses. You can get the Sunglasses by obtaining 30 shines. You can get the Hawaiian Shirt after completing the game. | Submitted by CenturionZ_1
  • Swim faster

When swimming, switch to your hover and press R. It will give you a little boost while swimming.
  • Unlock another beach

You see the pineapple on a bulding? well get yoshi and when your next to the pinaapple WITH yoshi press 'B' he will eat it and when its eaten jump in the red pipe and do the missions (NOTE: The First mission is Extremely Hard Put all your effort in!) Good Luck! :) | Submitted by Ruler
  • Water Splash Backflip

This code activates when you hold down the R Button and then press the A Button to make a big Squirt and a backflip.This code also works with yoshi but he does not do a backflip. | Submitted by Anthony
  • Yellow Bird! (eat with yoshi for a sprite!)

First Get Yoshi Head to the Place where The boats come when they come back to Isle Delfino not out in the sea. Next WITH Yoshi jump into a boat not the water cos he will die, Once you are In a boat wait for it when you get to The Island with no Basket on there will be a yellow bird eat it for 1 shine sprite (Note: You have To collect the sprite)
If this cheat doesnt work try a different boat. | Submitted by Ruler
  • Yoshi juice

After eating a fruit, Yoshi can then spit out juice to defeat enemies.
  • Yoshi Twirl Fly

When you Unlock Yoshi (and know how to use him) get on him twirl around with him when you think you twirled enough press 'A' then keep hold of 'A' he will be spinning and flying. | Submitted by Ruler1000


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Strategy Guide
Ending bonus

Successfully complete and save the game. You can pay 10 coins to use a boat near the clock tower where Yoshi is found to return to the Airport level at the start of the game. Additionally, you can get a Hawaiian shirt in addition to the sunglasses that the man wearing sunglasses gives Mario normally during the game. -From:

Alternate ending screen

Successfully complete the game with all 120 Shine Sprites and the ending screen will show all the characters in the game. There are 240 Blue Coins and 120 Shine Sprites. You need 50 Shine Sprites and have level 7 completed on all seven stages to get to level 8. You only need 117 Shine Sprites to complete the game to get one ending. Get the last three Shine Sprites to see a different ending. Get the shirt and glasses for a different appearing ending.


To get the sunglasses, talk to the man wearing glasses on the beach in Dolphic Plaza. The sunglasses tint your screen as if you were actually wearing them. He is also found in many other levels. He will not give them to you if you have less that 30 Shine Sprites. -From:

Get Yoshi

Progress though the game till you get 25 Shine Sprites. Go to Pinnal Park and complete Story #4 . You will now be back in town. The Fake Mario will appear with an egg. Chase him down to get Yoshi.

Yoshi juice

After eating a fruit, Yoshi can then spit out juice to defeat enemies.

Higher jumps with Yoshi

Do Mario's spinning technique when on Yoshi to jump higher. He can also spit juice in this form.

Yoshi's Spritzer Squirt

Press R, then press A.

Avoid dying

Pause the game when you are about to die and select 'Exit Area'. You will be teleported in front of the level you were at and not lose a life. Note: This does not work if you are falling.

Avoid losing health when falling

When falling from high places, press L to do a Ground Pound. This will make you fall very fast and not lose health.

Easy cleaning

Instead of taking a bath each time Mario gets dirty, do one or two spin jumps.

Jump onto buildings

Use a Ground Pound on a manhole cover then immediately jump up. This will send you high into the air. Use a Hover Nozzle to get on the building. Note: Some items, such as Shine Sprites and Blue Coins, can be found on roofs.

Spinning jump

After jumping, you can do a spin by rotating the Analog-stick once in a circle.

Sprinkler Water Spray

To execute the Sprinkler Water Spray easily, do a Spin Jump and hold R.

Faster transportation

To make Mario get around a little faster, use the single spray nozzle and shoot a small amount of water in front of him. Run and press B to do a belly slide. He will slide through the water and keep going at a high speed. This will continue as long as you do not hit anything.

Swim faster

When swimming, switch to your hover and press R. It will give you a little boost while swimming. Not only can you hold R with the Hover Nozzle while pressing A to swim fast; if you hold C-stick Up as well, you can swim very fast. The C-stick trick also works when Mario is wearing his 'scuba gear', which is great for the Red Coin fish stage.

Select files with moves

When you are selecting a file you can do a Spin Move and the Side Jump to get onto the blocks.

Sunglasses and shirt Pianta location

The following is where the Pianta man that gives you the sunglasses is located in each level:

    Delfino Plaza: Fruits Street.
    Bianco Hilles: Near the start point.
    Ricco Harbor: Near the start point.
    Gelato Beach: Beach house.
    Pinna Park: Near the start point.
    Sirena Beach and Noki Bay: Not found in this level.
    Pianta Village: In the village during the daytime only.
Easy lives

Whenever you complete a level, go to the water directly next to where the boats go in and out. Dive all the way to the bottom and you will see a 1-Up Mushroom. Whenever you return from a level or start from the beginning, it will be there.

Go to the island where the man is stranded and spray the fire. A 1-Up Mushroom will appear.

Go to the second obstacle level (with spinning cubes and platforms) and get the extra life on the star and the one floating by the spinning cube (second). Exit the area and repeat this as many times as desired.

Game Cheats For Super Mario Sunshine Gamecube Rom

Go to the Sirena Beach level (with the haunted hotel and casino), preferably in the second episode. To the left of where you begin are three boxes. The middle one has an extra life in it. You can get it, exit the level, and repeat this as many times as desired.

When in Delfino Plaza, go to the beach. There is a hidden sewer grate. Spray around until you see the red circle just past the second umbrella. Ground Pound to go into the sewer ad find a 1-Up Mushroom there. Enter a stage, exit, go back, and repeat as needed.

Anybody that gives you a blue coin the first time you wash them off, or get them fruit, will also give you a 1-Up if you wash them off or get them fruit again.

Finding coins

Find a patch of flowers and spray them all quickly. Four or five Coins will appear from the middle of the patch.

If you wash off a person with sludge, they may give you a Blue Coin.

Super Mario Sunshine Cheats Switch

Go on top of trees and you might find some extra Coins.

Spray the wanted of Mario posters in Delfino Plaza to get one Coin each. Some do not always give Coins.

Best Gamecube Mario Games

Eat the green birds with Yoshi to get regular Coins. Eating blue birds will give you Blue Coins.

Cheats For Mario Sunshine

You can get Blue Coins for helping the people in Delfino Plaza get fruit and putting them into a basket.

Spray a symbol (X) with water until it goes away. A blue coin will appear from another symbol (and vice versa).

Game Cheats For Super Mario Sunshine Gamecube Iso

If you wander around in the manhole (usually in underwater tunnels) you will find yellow and blue coins.

Get coins in the harbor (with bloopers) by going onto the sky walks. There are tons of coins up there.

During the first level, when you approach a red circle on the beach, stomp there to find the question mark coins.