Shadow The Hedgehog Game Cheats

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  4. Shadow The Hedgehog Cheats And Hints For GameCube

Find all our Shadow the Hedgehog Hints for GameCube. Plus great forums, game help and a special question and answer system.

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Corey Feldman Interview
Completion bonuses

Get a 100% completion for Sonic, Shadow, or Silver's episode to unlock the Audio and Theater room under the Extras menu.

Last episode

Successfully complete Sonic, Shadow, and Silver's episode to unlock the Last episode.

Free mode

Get an 'S' rank on all of Sonic, Shadow, and Silver's levels, Bosses, and town missions to unlock Free mode.

Play as Shadow The Hedgehog

Successfully complete Crisis City with Sonic to unlock Shadow's episode.

Play as Silver The Hedgehog

Successfully complete the Silver The Hedgehog Boss battle with Sonic to unlock Silver's episode.

Free mode characters

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character in Free mode:

    Amy Rose: Successfully complete all Soleana mystery missions with an 'S' rank.
    Blaze the Cat: Successfully complete all Soleana mystery missions.
    E-123 Omega: Successfully complete all GUN Commander missions with an 'S' rank.
    Knuckles the Echidna: Successfully complete all Town Stage missions with an 'S' rank.
    Miles 'Tails' Prower: Successfully complete all Town Stage missions.
    Rouge the Bat: Successfully complete all GUN Commander missions.
Audio Room music

Successfully complete the indicated episode with a 100% rank to unlock the corresponding theme in the Audio Room:

    Elise's Theme: The Last Episode
    Shadow's Theme (All Hail Shadow): Shadow's Episode
    Silver's Theme (Dreams of An Absolution): Silver's Episode
    Sonic's Theme (His World): Sonic's Episode
Very fast Sonic

In Multiplayer mode in any level or match, equip the Red Gem on Sonic, activate it and hold it, then die. While still holding the activation button, wait until you respawn. When you respawn, deactivate the gem. You will now run much faster than normal and the time will automatically be slow.

Longer jumps with Silver

Jump with Silver by pressing A, then press A again while in mid-air. This makes Silver float around. When floating in mid-air, tap A while moving in any direction instead of holding the button down to make Silver jump further.

Infinite jump

There is a glitch in the purple gem you can purchase at the market. The purple gem allows you to 'change size' in the description, shrinking you down to fit in small areas. However, when using the gem for Sonic you can jump an unlimited amount of times. When you press Jump while holding Activate Gem and repeatedly tap A, your character will act as if he wants to do the homing attack. However, the game will glitch, cancel it out, and allow you to jump as many times as desired while moving in the direction you wish to go. This allows you to get to interesting parts of Soleena or an action stage that you were not meant to access. If you die or find a alternate way to lose the gem, it may be 'out of stock' for some time.

Mini Sonic

Select Multiplayer mode and choose Battle mode. Select Sonic and Silver and go to any level. Get to the first checkpoint and have Sonic fall and appear at the checkpoint; however, do not move him. Then, make Silver fall and appear at the checkpoint. Just when Silver appears, freeze Sonic (RT). When he is frozen he appears very small.

Get Blaze in barrel

Select Sliver from the episode selection menu. Note: This works better if you have completed Sliver's episode. Walk to the part of the pier from where as Tails or Sonic you travel to Wave Ocean. Next to the building should be a barrel with no cover. If desired, go inside. This makes it easier to get Blaze in. After a few attempts of spinning in circles, Blaze should come in. If you are near the edge of the barrel, use Psychokinesis and you should see Silver's head pop out of the barrel. If you have a lot of patience, you can get Blaze to be in the barrel and Sliver on top after fooling around with it.

Sideways jump

Select Sonic from the episode selection menu. Note: This works better if you have completed Sonic's episode. Go to the building that is part of the Desert Stage (not the place where the Transportation Mirror is located). On the opposite side of the mirror, there should be a wall. Use the 'Sliding' technique to get under the wall. While Sonic is landing on the roof, Sonic should do a sideways spin instead of a normal one. Note: This may not work every time.

Go outside boundaries when fighting Silver

Play as Sonic in Story or Trial mode. Select the Silver Boss battle and get as many rings as possible (fifteen). Then, go to the alley in the corner. Try to get as far into the corner as possible. When Silver uses his levitation technique, try to get back in the corner. Silver will try to use the levitation technique again. The rings will be behind you. When you hit the wall, try to collect your rings. You should then go outside the level's boundary. You will be able to walk on invisible bridges and hit other invisible things. Silver might also get out of the level boundary and throw you out of Soleona and you will keep flying forever.

Defeating big enemies faster

When facing an enemy that requires more than one hit, use your Homing Attack on it then use your Bounce Attack. Note: You must first have the Bounce Bracelet.

Defeating Silver

When you fight Silver with Sonic, first do a slide move into him as he is falling from the sky. Then, collect a ring and run around until you hear 'How bout this?', then do a homing attack on him. Run away again until you hear 'How bout this?' again. then do a homing attack again. Repeat this until he is defeated.

Defeating Solaris

First, use Silver to weaken him until his first arm guard falls off. Then, switch to Shadow and hit him with the beams until his second arm guard falls off. Next, use Sonic to defeat the rest of his first form. Finally, use all three to survive the blows of lasers, and continuously attack.


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Sonic Episode - Cleared (30 points): Clear Sonic Episode.
    Shadow Episode - Cleared (30 points): Clear Shadow Episode.
    Silver Episode - Cleared (30 points): Clear Silver Episode.
    One To Reach The End (20 points): End the last hidden story.
    Sonic Episode - Completed (40 points): Clear unlocked Sonic difficult level mission.
    Shadow Episode - Completed (40 points): Clear unlocked Shadow difficult level mission.
    Silver Episode - Completed (40 points): Clear unlocked Silver difficult level mission.
    Shadow Episode - Mastered (60 points): Clear all unlocked Shadow ACT Missions with Rank S.
    Sonic Episode - Mastered (60 points): Clear all unlocked Sonic ACT Missions with Rank S.
    Silver Episode - Mastered (60 points): Clear all unlocked Silver ACT Missions with Rank S.
    Nights of Kronos (60 points): Unlock the complete ending to the last hidden story.
    Legend of Soleanna (100 points): Overcome all trials and accomplish a great feat.
    Silver Medalist (50 points): Collect all the Silver Medals scattered around Soleanna...
    Gold Medalist: (50 points): Collect all the Soleanna legendary Gold Medals...
    Blue Phantom (20 points): Super Sonic Obtain the all moves.
    Ultimate Life Form (20 points): Resurrect the ultimate power from the lost memory.
    Psychic Soldier (20 points): Obtain all the power to save the future world.
    Soleanna's Hero (40 points): Solve all Soleannans' problems.
    Elite Agent (40 points): Complete all the tasks given as agent.
    Silver The Liberator (40 points): Solve all the mystery in Soleanna.
    Soleanna's blue wind (50 points): Solve all the problems swiftly.
    Dark Hero (50 points): Meet all the requests with magnificent skill.
    Silver The Savior (50 points): Reveal all the secrets with your ultimate power.
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Use the above links or scroll down see all to the GameCube cheats we have available for Shadow the Hedgehog.

Unlimited Bullets And Invincibility

Shadow The Hedgehog Game Cheats

When your blue or red gauge is filled up if you don't use it. You can shoot as many bullets as you want with out using the bullets you have until the gauge run out. Also when your blue or red gauge is filled up and you haven't used it you are invincible. So to have unlimited bullets and invincibility all you need to do is have your blue or red gauge is filled up.

How To Be Hyper Shadow!!!

In order to turn into Hyper Shadow you first need to complete all the endings for all the stories. This includes the good and evil storylines. Once you do this, you will unlock the Last Story. Choose the Last Story and you will begin a level called The Last Way after some intermission sequences. Once you complete this and reach Black Doom, there will be an intermission sequence, at the end of which Shadow takes the Chaos Emeralds and turns into Hyper Shadow.

Shadow Vs. Sonic And A Robot

To vs. Sonic in story mode, complete all of storymode in Hero Missions except for the FinalHaunt. Sonic will ask why you betrayed him. Youand Black Doom's Eye will take on Sonic. Whenyou hurt Sonic, the robot will use a laser beam.This is your chance to attack him! But, theproblem is this, you only have two weapons.

Freeze The Screen

First, you need to choose when to freeze the screen. When you are ready, pause the game. Then press and hold A, X, or start. To unfreeze, just let go of the button.

How To Find Cheese In Criptic Castle.

When you get to the room with all the chaos youhave to find a spring. Jump on it and you'llland on a platform with torches. Brake one ofthem and take it to the big thing in the middleof the room and light it. Then a door will openand Cheese is behind it.

Find Cheese

In Cryptic Castle you gotta find cheese the chaoat one part after you find cream. When you getto the room filled with chao, none of them arecheese. Go to one of the porch walls and on acertain wall, a secret door will open when yougo to it. Keep following it and cheese will comeout!

Super Shadow

To play as Super Shadow is the same rules as inthe other new release Sonic games since 2001.You must unlock all the endings and go throughthe last story (You don't need to do all 326combonations of the stories), in the last battleyou will play as Super Shadow and go up againstthe last boss Devil Doom.

Shadow Rifle's Power

The Shadow Rifle is the most powerful weapon inthe game, so for a lot (and I mean A LOT) ofenemies you shoot them with it, they mostly die.

Regenerating Dark Gauge

When Shadow becomes Dark Shadow (when hesays 'Death to all who oppose me!')you can useChaos Blast (duh!). But when he uses it aroundobjects that increase your Dark Gauge, guesswhat? It regenerates his Dark Gauge! This is veryuseful on enemies (GUN, Eggman's robots, etc.)that increase your Dark Gauge.

Dark Shadow Hint

When you are using Dark Shadow Missions, DO NOT,I repeat, DO NOT shoot the aliens. DO NOT passover anything that the good guys want you toget. This game is all about respect and you dontwannna get shot by the aliens if your DarkShadow. Capeesh?

Hidden Keys

There are 5 keys hidden in each stage of thegame. If you collect them all, you will you'llunlock a secret door that leads to a specialsurprise.

Final Haunt Hint

The last level in the all Hero storyline isextremely tough to get through. To get to thegoal, you have to go through the level withouthitting ANY switches.

Saving Lives In Expert Mode

In Expert mode, you must go through all of thelevels one at a time without a break or mission,and on a harder difficulty. You are given fivelives, any lives you pick up, but cannotcontinue. If you lose all your lives, you muststart all the way back on the first level.However, if you find yourself in a dangerousposition (for example, falling off a cliff),press Start before the game registers the loss ofthe life, then select 'Quit'. At the Expert modemenu, select 'Resume'. You will start at thebeginning of the level you were on, but you willnot lose that life and will resume with the totallives you had previously.

Easy Ammunition

Go to the stage were you have to kill the Chaos.There is a room near two GUN soldiers and a Chaosthat has two weapon boxes in it. Break bothboxes, then go in the room with the GUN soldiers.Go back and the boxes will be there again. Youcan repeat this as many times as desired.

Character Choices

In most stages you have three choices: to helpthe Dark side, yourself, or the Hero sidewhenever you have someone with you and it is nota Boss fight. To change the character you wantwith you, press Start. There will most likely bethree selections: Dark, Neutral, and Hero. PressLeft or Right to highlight a character or ring inthe middle. Press X to select the highlightedcharacter. That character will remain with youuntil your next run in with the other character.You can then simply press Start and do theprocess again. Note: You cannot select a Heropartner if there is an 'X' over the Hero side.You cannot select a Dark partner if there isan 'X' over the Dark side. You can also use the D-Pad to change your partner. Press Right for theHero character, Left for the Dark character, andDown for the Neutral character.

Two Player Mode

Use controller two to play as the Herocharacters, such as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, etc.This also works with Maria, but does not workwith Doom's Eye. Note: They cannot pick up guns.

Key Bonuses

Collect all five hidden keys in the indicated level to unlock the correspondingbonus behind the five-keyed doors:

Never Turn Back Song

Successfully complete the Dark storyline tounlock the Never Turn Back song.

Chosen One Song

Successfully complete the Semi Hero storyline tounlock the Chosen One song.

Almost Dead Song

Successfully complete the Dark storyline tounlock the Almost Dead song.

All Of Me Song (full Version)

Successfully complete the Last Story to unlockthe All Of Me song (full version).

All Hail Shadow Song

Successfully complete the Hero storyline tounlock the All Hail Shadow song.

Level 2 Weapons

Successfully complete both the Hero and Darkversions of a storyline to unlock the Level 2weapons.

Satellite Laser

Successfully complete the Semi Dark storyline tounlock the Satellite Laser.

Shadow The Hedgehog Hints - GameCube - Super Cheats

Samurai Blade

Successfully complete the Dark storyline tounlock the Samurai Blade.

Shadow The Hedgehog Cheats & Codes For Xbox -

Omochao Gun

Successfully complete the Semi Hero storyline tounlock the Omochao Gun.

Heal Cannon

Shadow The Hedgehog Game Cheats

Successfully complete the Hero storyline tounlock the Heal Cannon.

Shadow Rifle

Successfully complete the Last Story to unlockthe Shadow Rifle.

Last Story

Successfully complete every sixth stage in Storymode, defeat all Bosses at the end (all five Heroand all five Dark Bosses), and see all ten Heroand Dark story line endings to unlock the LastStory.

Expert Mode

Get an 'A' rank in all stages to unlock Expertmode.

Full Pause Screen

Press Start to pause game play, then hold B (for xbox). (hold X for PS2 and Gamecube).


Successfully complete every sixth stage in story mode, defeat all Bosses at the end (all five Hero and all five Dark Bosses), and see all ten Hero and Dark story line endings.

Shadow Rifle

Shadow The Hedgehog Cheats And Hints For GameCube

Complete the last story to unlock the Shadow Rifle.

Beat Egg Breaker

You have to get to a turret and shoot at him wildly.When he gets halfway down, he will say 'All right,you asked for it!' and will jump down off theplatform. You keep shooting at him. When hedestoys the turret, get a gun from a pawn andshoot at him until he dies!!

How To Beat Egg Dealer

To beat egg dealer you need to chase him aroundthe stage untill the slots are facing you. Jumpup in the air, when shadow starts to do his flipdo a homing attack shadow will be chasing theegg dealer through the air untill he hits thebutton to stop the reel. When two of the reelsare on rocket or bomb stop the third reel onrocket or bomb to make the egg dealermalfunction and attack egg man. Also egg manwill stop a reel on his own from time to time.(note that if the reels land on three picturesof shadow's head shadow will be able to use hischaos blast.)

Unlock Vaccum Egg Gun

Complete story mode on the neutral story (eithergood or bad) to unlock the Vaccum Egg gun. TheVaccum Egg sucks up in range targets and destroythem, very useful on Westopoils.

We have no glitches for Shadow the Hedgehog yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Created by: Ali1mg.Read the full guide...