Pink Nation Game Cheats Weekly Turn Up

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Corey Feldman Interview
Black suit

Collect all 50 Spider Emblems to unlock the Black Spider-Man suit to wear anytime desired without any negative effects.

Rival gang reward

It helps to turn your brightness up, and you’re guaranteed a streak right at the beginning. Keeping it up is harder, but is even easier if it’s a scene you’ve done before. Find walkthroughs vidoes, tips, cheats and strageties for PINK Nation! Gamers Unite! - Play The Weekly Turn-Up game! Awesome new prizes.

Choose any of the gang patrol missions (Apocalypse, Dragon Tail, H-Bombers, Waste Tribe), and defeat all of their marked territories that match their logos to earn 3 experience points.

Easy Hero Points

Play through Story mode and take every boss' picture and any gang members desired, but make sure to leave at least one. After completing Story mode, take any remaining pictures you have not taken to get around 15 Hero Points. Then, save the game and reset your Wii. Load your saved game file and you should hear and see the Villain Photos complete and get another 15 Hero Points. Spend them, save, and repeat the process as many times as desired.

Easy gang eradication

Immediately after you defeat Sandman for the first time in the 'Mary Jane's Favorite Band' mission and before you 'Meet Mary Jane At The Restaurant', you cannot take off the Black suit. During this time period, which does not end until you start the next mission, you can wear the Black suit without any damage being done to you. Use this time to clear the city of all gang activity. This may take awhile, but it is easier with the Black suit.

Finding Metorite Pieces

While playing as Black suit Spider-Man, you can find the Metorite Pieces (small rock-like objects surrounded by a purple/pink glow) by listening for a pulsating sound. The louder it gets, the closer you are.

Defeating Lizard

You must first defeat Kraven The Hunter. Use the Black suit and it will be easy. You will then catch up with the new and improved Lizard. Stand by a generator and wait until he is about to strike, then dodge. He will hit the generator and shock himself. This will also shock you. Repeat this until you must counter-attack him and ride his back. Try to balance and he will run into one. When the last one shuts off, you must turn it back on. Go over to the switch and turn it back on. Ride his back one more time to defeat him.

Defeating Michael Morbius

When you are trying to open the boarded up windows, if you are far away from him he will do a long jump towards you; it will then take him a few seconds to recover and attack again. Before he jumps, do not stand in the yellow circles. Instead, stand next to the wall opposite the windows. He will now jump to there, recover, etc. While he is recovering, pull down the boards. When he jumps into the light, attack him. Keep doing this until him and his wife's life runs out to complete the level.

Michael Morbius will fly around, etc. When he lines up, use the Spider-Wall to damage him and he will land. Attack him and repeat this strategy.

Defeating Michael Morbius and Shriek

Wait until Michael is about to rush you, then open the window. He will be temporarily weakened. Beat him up. Shriek will heal him, losing some of her health. Repeat this until he dies, and she flees the scene.

Defeating Sandman

In your first encounter with Sandman, do not try to attack him, just stay close to him. Counter-attack him several times on different levels to finally battle him. Unfortunately, you must use the Black suit to damage him. Just keep hitting him until you are prompted to give him a bath. Keep repeating this until you defeat him.

Sandman will create a mini-tornado making it so you cannot hit him. Use your Spidey senses to dodge the flying bars and wait until he throws a tank at you. Press Attack when prompted and send it back at him, allowing you to beat him up. He will start up his tornado again and do some damage. Repeat this until he dies.

The second battle with Sandman is easy. Just dodge when your Spidey senses alert you and run to the yellow circles when they appear. Complete the prompts to throw TNT barrels into Sandman. Eventually Harry will kill him, defeating Sandman.

PinkDefeating Shriek

Shriek has a shield, so do not worry about her. Stand next to a satellite and wait for your Spidey senses to activate. Use them and dodge to cause her to damage her crystal. Repeat this until she runs away.

In your final encounter with Shriek, she temporarily takes away your Black suit, and figures from your imagination attack you (your loved ones). You can kill them with one hit, but it is pointless. Wait until the Black suit recharges, then switch over, revealing your true enemies. Attack Shriek until she changes you back to the old Spider-Man. Repeat the previous steps and she will collapse.

Defeating the technology person

Dodge him and wait until he shoots missiles at you. Press Attack to send them back. This will cause him to land, allowing you to hit him. Keep doing this until he dies.

Defeating Venom

Before this battle, go to the upgrade menu and make sure you have the melee volley attack; then fight. Depending on your health level, you may or may not want to use the power-up. At first, you can easily jump over Venom, confuse him, and take away some of his health. Keep doing this until his black suit begins to 'glow'. Now when you jump over him, he will run away. This is a good opportunity to use the melee volley attack on him. Keep hitting him until his 'glow' gets bigger and eventually Harry will tell you to knock Venom into the air. He will fall back to the ground just as before, easily confused. Repeat this cycle until his health is really low and you can finish him off.

Use the following steps to defeat Venom the first and second time you face him. When you meet Venom for the first time at the construction site, you must defeat him in under five minutes or Mary Jane will die. An easy way to do this is to defeat Venom in version one. It should be quite easy. Version two is slightly harder, but all you have to do is watch his five punch combo. The last punch is his super punch. After he is done with his combo, beat him up. Repeat this until Venom turns into version three. You cannot do much once he is in his full power. Watch carefully and you should see a flashing symbol. Follow what the game instructs you to do and you should win. This works on both fights.

In the final battle with Venom, it is just the two of you. Repeat the previously listed steps to defeat him. When his 'glow' is very high, run over to the metal bars and follow the prompt. This will slowly remove the suit off him, eventually killing him.

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Corey Feldman Interview
99 lives

Pause the game and press RT, LT, RT, LT, Up(4), B. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Note: Lives are retained even after restarting the game.

Big head Spyro

Pause the game and press Up(4), RB(4), B. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Small head Spyro

Pause the game and press Right(4), RB, LB, Left(4), A. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Flat Spyro

Pause the game and press Left, Right, Left, Right, LT, RT, LT, RT, X. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Pink Nation Game Cheats Weekly Turn Up Download

Retro Spyro

Pause the game and press LB(4), Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Y. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Tiny wigs Spyro

Pause the game and press Left(4), LB, RB, Right(4), A. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Sunglasses Spyro

Pause the game and press RB(4), Left(4), Down, Up, Y. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Turn Spyro black

Pause the game and press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, X, RB, RT, LB, LT, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Down. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Turn Spyro blue

Pause the game and press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, X, RB, RT, LB, LT, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, X. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Turn Spyro green

Pause the game and press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, X, RB, RT, LB, LT, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Turn Spyro pink

Pause the game and press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, X, RB, RT, LB, LT, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, X. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Turn Spyro red

Pause the game and press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, X, RB, RT, LB, LT, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, B. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Turn Spyro yellow

Pause the game and press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, X, RB, RT, LB, LT, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Turn Spyro purple

Pause the game and press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, X, RB, RT, LB, LT, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Bonus level

Successfully complete the game, rescue all dragons, and collect all 12,000 gems and eggs to unlock a bonus level.

Art galleries

Successfully complete Page 1 of the Skill Points to unlock Art Gallery 1. Successfully complete Page 2 of the Skill Points to unlock Art Gallery 2.

Faster running

While playing the game, hold Run + Jump.

Avoid dying

Pause the game and exit the current level if faced with imminent death by falling. Note: This may not be done in the home levels.


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

Pink Nation Game Cheats Weekly Turn Up 4

    Boom! (20 points): Take a trip with a Balloonist.
    Hop, Skip and Jump (20 points): Artisans Home: Find the hidden entrance.
    Sheep Kebab (20 points): Stone Hill: Flame 10 Sheep.
    Light My Fire (20 points): Dark Hollow: Light the two bonfires.
    Leaf on the Wind (20 points): Town Square: Glide to the upper area where the Blue Egg Thief is.
    Barnstormer (30 points): Sunny Flight: Do a Loop de Loop around one of the arches.
    Burnt Toast (30 points): Toasty: Defeat Toasty without getting hit by him.
    Shoot the Moon (20 points): Peace Keepers: Use a cannon to dispatch a taunting Gnorc.
    Bird Brained (20 points): Dry Canyon: Charge a Vulture.
    Birds of a Feather (20 points): Cliff Town: Flame every Vulture in the level.
    Triathlon (20 points): Ice Cavern: Defeat all three Skiing Gnorcs.
    Hot Wings 1 (30 points): Night Flight: Flame all of the Direction Fairies.
    What's in the Box? (20 points): Dr. Shemp: Unlock the Strong Chest.
    Comin' Through! (20 points): Magic Crafters: Charge through the four Armored Druids in a row near the level start.
    Pops of the Tops (30 points): Alpine Ridge: Detonate the three explosive chests on the pillars.
    Arachnophobe (20 points): High Caves: Defeat all the Metalback Spiders.
    Egg Hunt (30 points): Wizard Peak: Defeat the hidden Egg Thief.
    Hot Wings 2 (30 points): Crystal Flight: Flame all of the Direction Fairies.
    Gatherer (30 points): Blowhard: Collect 400 gems in the level.
    Mushroom Hunter (30 points): Beast Makers Home: Flame 5 Glowing Mushrooms in Beast Makers.
    Rocketeer (20 points): Terrace Village: Light 3 Fireworks within 15 seconds.
    Cage Free (20 points): Misty Bog: Free a trapped Chicken.
    Launch Date (40 points): Tree Tops: Jump off every Supercharge ramp in Tree Tops.
    I Believe it is Time for Me to Fly (30 points): Complete Wild Flight without touching the ground.
    Gems in the Rough (30 points): Metal Head: Collect 500 gems in the level.
    Fool's Errand! (20 points): Dream Weavers: Charge through three Armored Fools in a row.
    Bad Doggies! (30 points): Dark Passage: Defeat three Demon Dogs while in large form.
    All Puffed Up (30 points): Lofty Castle: Charge through four Puffer Birds in a row.
    Scrap Metal (30 points): Haunted Towers: Defeat all Tin Soldiers.
    Fly Like an Eagle (40 points): Icy Flight: Never land on the ground.
    Jacques-tacular (30 points): Jacques: Defeat four Nightmare Beasts in one glide.
    I'm in the Money! (30 points): Gnasty's World: Unlock Gnasty's Loot.
    Ratastic! (20 points): Gnorc Cove: Complete the Gnorc Cove without killing any Rats.
    What Really Grinds My Gears (30 points): Twilight Harbor: Destroy 6 gears in Twilight Harbor.
    Dragon and On and On (30 points): Gnasty Gnorc: Have Gnasty Gnorc run 5 laps around his level.
    Hoarder (90 points): Gnasty's Loot: Collect all gems in the level.