New Super Mario Bros Game Cheats

New super mario bros wii game cheats

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How To Get To World 4

To get to world 4 you need to beat up to world2. After you beat world 2 go to world 1 and goto the level after the small castle. In thatlevel you can get mini. Finish the level beingsmall. (if you go to 'return to map' you willlose your small power) Next go to the last castlein world 2. Beat the whole level small. Whenyou get to the rock worm in the end, jump on himwhile doing a but jump. Do that three times andwhen he dies... Mario will jump and spin and youwill enter a secret passage way. If you do thiscorrectly... you will be in world 4! Hope youget to world 4! It's a lot of fun!! :o)

Star Upgrade

The star is one of the best upgrades you can get is the star it kills everyone but if you fall in lava you will die along with your star upgrade. I personally use it to kill my little brother on the game I am usually mario because he always picks luigi we are on multiplayer on the game.

Life Mushroom House

At the end of a stage, get the time 155, 255, 355, 144, 244, 344, 166, 266, or 366. This will get you a green mushroom house to get more lifes.

Luigi On Mario

When you start a new game, or load a game , in the title screen hold 'r' and 'L' and you will here Luigi's voice. that means you can now use Luigi as a player. (When you finish the game, it also gives you a little hint, look at the background of the credits screen and it will show Luigi and the code)

Defeating Bowser And JR. (last Castle W8)

First go to a mega mushroom hose and get one after that go to the level and the boss fight. Once the fight begins use the mega mushroom and you should plow through baby bowser JR.You have you bump into bowser twice before winning the entire fight after that Peach comes down and you win the entire game.

Get Fireworks At The End Of The Game

At the end of the game when you are about to jump on the flag wait until the last two digits look the same. To get the mushroom that makes you giant wait for the numbers to be 99, 88, 77. If you want the life mushroom house wait till 66, 55, 44. And if you want the suply mushroom wait till 33, 22, 11. IT doesn't matter what the first number is.

Defeat Boss: Petey Piranha

This boss will fly over your head trying toattack from above. When Petey Piranha dashes tothe ground and misses, he will fall over. Now isyour chance to stomp him. Stomp him 3 times andwin.

Easy Path To World 7

First get world 4, then beat the boo house there, afterwards come back there with a mini mushroom. Now don't use it until you the part where you hit a red switch to go in a pipe. There will a ballon-boo-thingy there so watch out. Instead of going in the pipe go on top of it, then use the mushroom. There is a wall on the left. Jump as high you can then wall kick. If done right, look up and you'll see a mini path. Wall kick it then go through the door. Finish the level to unlock the cannon to world 7!

How To Get The Star Coins In World 2-3 And Get The Secret Exit

The first star coin is right above the brown thing that you have to ground pound in the beginning the will be a diagonal tunnel going right up[ground pound of the wall to get up.
The second 1 is right after that when you have to work your way through the trap doors.
The third your gonna need a tiny mushroom there' s gonna be a big chamber, all the way to the left when you jump over the piranha plant there will be 2 tubes going up either one will work go to the top of one then dash all the way to the right keep the right on the +control pad held in until you reach a pad thing go to the right and there will be a star coin there.
To get the secret way out all you have to do is Go to the part where you press the switch and water rises then go to the room in the top and with a tiny mushroom go to the right then dash to the left just before you will go down the hole jump then wall pound there you should see a tunnel keep on wall pounding until you reach it go through and soon you should see a red flag.

Need More Lives ?

First you go to world 1-1 then at the end before the flag stun the turtle then hold x while walking towards it and keep x pressed down and jump onto the 3 rd row and wait til it wakes up and jump as soon as wakens and you will get up to 99 lives.

Need More Lives?

Go to world 5 (the icy one) lv. 3 . Right when it starts go to the edge of the cliff part before the little brown mushroom comes (don't worry about the block) jump off the edge and butt burst on it make sure you don't miss it. After you get it just keep going and don't touch anything. After you stop sliding you will have gotten 2 lives.

How To Get To World 7

To get to world seven the only thing you have todo is the same thing to get to world 4. You haveto beat the last castle being mini. You can getmini in the last castle of world 2 or in theplace after the first castle in world 2.

Play As Someone Else

At the 'select a file' screen, keep pressed L andR buttons and choose one of your saved games andyou will be someone else.

Two Hits In One

If you ground pound an enemy instead of just jump on them, it will count as two hits instead of one. It even works on bosses!

1 Up - Mega Mushrooms

In the very first level, (World1-1) there is a Mega Mushroom. Hit the block,then let the mushroom go forward a little bit.Grab it just before it goes down the hole. Holddown the X or Y button and try to break the endflag. You will get 5 or 6 1-Up mushrooms.

Get From World 1 To World 5!

Go to the world 1 tower with blue Koopa Shell.When you get to the pipe that propels you up, goto the door you see on the way up. Go inside. Getthe star coin if you haven't, then find a gap onthe right side that never will close. Go in there.Shell through all the blocks, and go inside thepipe. You will fall out of the castle, and find ared flag. Touch it, and when you're out of thelevel, instead of the next level, the path willopen to a cannon! Go to the cannon pad and pressA. You will see a cannon. Treat it like a pipethat you can go down, and it will propel you toWorld 5!

A Lil' Hint

During the credits of the game, you will seeA+L+R pictures in the back ground. In the filescreen follow the picture on the file you want.what is it? answer that your self.

How To Become Frozen

To become frozen you go to World 3, Level 1 get fire. Let the giant fish eat you use the fire and there.

Top Of The Flagpole

At the end of a level, if you reach the top ofthe flagpole you will receive a 1-UP. If youdon't touch the top, you will receive points.The higher on the pole you reach, the higheryour points.

Secret Flag

On world 1 level 2, jump on top of bricks above you. Keep going on top of those. Don't go in the pipe. To complete the game, keep going and you should find a pipe with a star coin under it go in it and you will find a red flag. Once you complete the level, you should unlock a mushroom house.


When facing pirahna pete before he starts flying jump on his head mini but don't press down yet when in the air you butt kill him 3 time.

Booty Shell Hit

On level 7-6, bounce down on the flower that brings you up get on the vine and kill one turtle and just hit the other hit the shell and boom your doing the booty shell hit you can do it as any Mario or Luigi. It keeps on going until time runs out or you die it gives you 200 each time you do it.

Time Freeze

First get a mega mushroom, then go to the world 6 castle, don't use it until the boss fight. When you get there use it and ground pound monty mole in a tank. Do it right and he'll explode, but no key appears. As an added bonus, time stops and the start button won't work. You'll have to turn the ds off. By the way, it doesn't always work. It only worked for me 5 times out of, like 30, the odds for everyone are different.

Bowsers Castle Easy Hint

First go to a orange mushroom house and get a mega mushroom and go to bowsers castle , go through the level (do not use the mega mushroom yet ) when you get to bowser and use the mushroom to kill him.

How To Turn In To Luigi

First you go to the files and hold down L and R at the same time and press a and you will hear LUIGI say LUIGI.

How To Get The Mini Mushroom

To get a mini mushroom, first you have to go in the red mushroom house. Then, keep pausing until you paused on the Fire Flower. Press double A and WHALA you get a mini mush. (Note: This only works if your Super Mario, Fire Mario, or Koopa shell Mario).

How To Get The Blue Koopa Shell

To get a koopa shell, first you have to go in the red mushroom house. Then, keep pausing until you paused on the mushroom. Press double and WHALA you get a blue koopa shell. (Note: This only works if your Super Mario, Fire Mario, or Koopa shell Mario).

The Secret Passage In World 7-5

In order to get to the castle, you can use a hard to get pipe in world 7-5. What you so is get a super mushroom and when you get to the giant bullet launcher, use it and do a flip over the pipe and when it wears off, go down it.

How To Get From World 2 To World 5

First you will need a tiny mushroom now enter world 2level 3 all you need to do is get to the secret way out. To get the secret way out all you have to do is Go to the part where you press the switch and water rises then go to the room in the top and use your tiny mushroom to the right, then dash to the left just before you will go down the hole jump then wall pound there you should see a tunnel keep on wall pounding until you reach it go through and soon youshould see a red flag jump on the red flag and when you leave a level 2-A will be unlocked go in level 2-A and there will be a giant parana jumping at you all youhave to do is jump on those spiny things and stay out of the water when you get to the end go down the green tube this should lead you to a flag jump on the flag and when you leave either a canon or a tube will be unlocked if you get the canon go ii it and you should be at a place all you have to do is go to the canon and go inside and it launches you to world 5, if you get the tube replay the level 2-A but this time go down the red tube not the green tube (to get to this is tricky what you have to do is wall pound and then your on a lege now just walk in the red tube) now go to the red flag and jump on it now when you leave the level the canon will be unlocked now go into it and you will be in a room go inside the canon and you will be launched to world 5.

Beat The Last Castle

On the very last level after you pass the checkpoint you will have to go in a certain pattern. First run on the bottom bricks then go on the top bricks then the middle bricks and you will get pass the part that you might get stuck you will get to go the the door and fight browser and koopa kid then you get peach back.

99 Lives Trick 2

Go to world 1 of level 1 go all the way to the end and then you should see a red duck then jump on it and to grab it press y button and stand on 3 brown brick and keep hold y button until the red duck stands on 4 brown brick and quickly jump on it and your lives will go up to 99 but just in case make sure you have mario a bit bigger and if you cont do it go to you tube site and then type in the new super mario bros 99 lives and you will find a trailer of it.

99 1-up Trick

In world 5 level 4, there are bob-ombs coming from a pipe (not the pipe you need to enter at the very start). Jump on a bob-omb to stun it, it will eventually explode. Pick up the bob-omb like a koopa shell (hold B then run into it) and let it go so it will explode the stairs. BE WARNED: the bob-ombs get kicked when you touch them. If you decide to stop running and let go of B, the bob-omb will be kicked. Once you destroy the stairs, you can then destroy then floor that is breakable. Don't destroy all of the floor! Only desroy the blocks in the middle, making something like a pool. Once that is done, keep going through the lvel until you find a koopa troopa. Stomp on it, pick up its shell, and run back to the pool. Your stairs that are destroyed should make the bob-ombs fall into your pool. Put the koopa troopa in the pool and make it hit the bob-ombs that come from the pipe. The shell will bounce off the walls that koopas cannot break and will give you points and eventually 1-ups for killing the bob-ombs.this works good if you have the freeze time cheat, so then you wont die fom running out of time, ad you wont have to start over again with these instructions.

Easy Way Out

On level 2, 3 there will be a button on a platform that's yellow with a question mark on it. Jump on it then run towards the middle as the room fills with water then swim your way up the tunnel in the middle. Collect the coins then repeat the steps said earlier. Quickly jump into the button that looks like the same one described earlier in the upper right portion of the room. Swim to the right then jump into the tunnel, if you messed up repeat all of the above. After getting in the tunnel run right, to the end you'll pop out of a warp pipe. Jump onto the pipe you just came out of then go as far left as possible and jump you should get a life mushroom. When that's done jump onto the flag. Ta da you just cheated you're way out of the whole level. Please hold you're applause.

Defeat The Last Castle

The last castle in world eight is easy to beat.Get 5 coins to get a mega mushroom. Go to thecastle and beat it using the mega mushroom andstomp both Bowser and Bowser jr.

Stop Mid Ground-Pound

If you hit up in the middle of a ground pound, you will stop theground pound and will just fall to the ground.

1 Up - Toad Houses

If you can get to a green toadhouse on the map, then go there. Be careful onwitch blocks you hit, try not to hit the one witha Bowser card in it.

1 Up - Coins

When you find a red flag pole it is the same as ablack flag pole except the red flag poles allowsyou to get to places that you could not get towith the black flag poles.

Beat Final Castel

To defeat the monsters at the end, get a fireballflower and shoot Mini Bowser. When Mini Bowserdies, Big Bowser will get very angry and willstart firing like crazy and when he jumps up rununder him and push the red button and theplatform will disappear and peach will fly downand give Mario/Luigi a kiss on the cheek. Rightbefore world 1-1 a blue mushroom house willappear and you can change the wall-paper wherethe map would be. Now you can save your gameanywhere you want besides in th middle of thelevel!

Cloud Man

In world 2, 2 there is a person who is in a cloudthat throws spiked turtles. If you fire then youcan do this. You get to a high place and shoothim with a fire ball then there is a cloud left,jump in the cloud and go up and to the right.There is a star coin in the air. You can only goso far and then the cloud fades and another onecomes back.

Huge Mario

In any world you can pay 5 star coins and get agiant mushroom that makes Mario huge!

Secret Spin Jump

On World 8 after you beat the skeleton versionof Bowser once you're on the level with therising lava jump in the pipe that shoots youstraight up instead of going right go left jumpon the platform wait until you are spinningreally fast than hit the jump button follow thecoins and you should land on the top of theflagpole and get a extra life. P.S. Don't hitthe down arrow key when your spinning in the air!

Flag Poles

It's possible to knock down the flag pole at theend of the level. To knock it down, get a MegaMushroom, then just walk past the pole.

Star Coins

There are 240 star coins in the game. There are3 star coins in each level. With star coins youcan purchase paths to new levels and toad housesand after you beat the game, you'll be able topurchase new changable backrounds for yourbottom screen.

Defeat Boss: Mega Goomba

This boss is a giant version of goomba. Therewill be two platforms that will rise when youstand on them after you stomp the switch in themiddle of the room. These platforms will allowyou to reach Mega Goomba. Ground pound MegaGoomba 3 times and win.

Defeat Boss: Cheepskipper

This boss will attack by jumping out of waterand skipping over the bridge. Cheepskipper willalso have 3 cheep cheeps to help. WhenCheepskipper skips on the bridge, stomp. Stomp 3times and win.

Advantages Of A Blue Shell

After you equip Mario or Luigi with a blueshell, they will be able to swim fasterunderwater and hide in their shell from enemies.If the shell is dashing, you will be able toslide through a level automatically killingGoombas and Koopas, unless you fall.

Defeat Boss: Petey Piranha

This boss will fly over your head trying toattack from above. When Petey Piranha dashes tothe ground and misses, he will fall over. Now isyour chance to stomp him. Stomp him 3 times andwin.

Defeat Boss: Mega Goomba

This boss is a giant version of goomba. Therewill be two platforms that will rise when youstand on them after you stomp the switch in themiddle of the room. These platforms will allowyou to reach Mega Goomba. Ground pound MegaGoomba 3 times and win.

Defeat Boss: Mummipokey

This boss will dig underground to hide and comeback up to attack. When Mummipokey comes backup, stomp him. Stomp him 3 times and win thefight.

Boxing With A Broozer

To kill the boxing ghost enemy named 'broozer',you can do any of the following: Fire Flower,Three Stomps, Starman, Blue Shell, Koopa Shell,or with a Mega Mushroom.

Defeat Boss: Lakithunder

This boss is a dark version of Lakitu.Lakithunder will try to strike you withlightning. When Lakithunder swoops down, you'llbe able to stomp him. Stomp him 3 times and win.

Defeat Boss: Monty Tank

This boss will be protected by his tank whileshooting bullet bills at you. Monty will pop outto throw a bob-omb. Now is your chance to stomphim. Every time after you hit him, the tank willgrow a level taller. Stomp Monty 3 times and win.

Play As Luigi In Single Player Mode

At the 'select a file' screen, keep pressed L and R buttons and choose one of yoursaved game files with the A button. Now you'll play in the game as Luigi insteadof Mario!

Secret Challenge Mode

While paused on the map, press L, R, L, R, X, X, Y, Y, to enter the secretChallenge mode. You will now be unable to go back to an area that has scrolled offthe screen while playing a level. This cheat only works after you finish the game.

Exact Time And Date Your Game Was Made

When you get to the menu. Take the game out, then press down L+R+LEFT+A. Then press DOWN+B. Then press down START+SELECT. You should see another screen and on the top screen it should have a date and a time.

Warp Zone Cannons

Drop into the following cannons to warp to a different level.
World 5 Warp (1): Take the secret exit from the World 1 Tower.
World 5 Warp (2): Take the secret exit from Stage 2-A.
World 6 Warp: Take the secret exit from the World 3 ghost house.
World 7 Warp: Take the secret exit from the World 4 ghost house.
World 8 Warp: Take the secret exit from the World 5 ghost house.

Big Jump

This cheatcode you will need a action reply. When you enter it in you will be able to jump and never stop!

Infinite Lives On World 4-5

Go to the first pipe that spawns bobombs. Clear to the lower floor except leaving the left and right sides intact. Grab and throw a koopa shell into the recessed area then go away far enough to that the bobombs keep coming out. They will die over and over giving you infinite lives!

Play As Luigi

At the file menu, hold L+R+A on any file and thenyou will hear Luigi's voice. You don't have tobeat the game to do it.

Play As Luigi!

Unlocking Luigi is really simple. All you must dois press the A and L buttons at the same timeduring the credits. Yes,you must clear the game.Good luck!

Unlock Worlds 4 And 7

To unlock worlds 4 and 7 beat the big castles in worlds 2 and 5 in mini (tiny bluemushroom).

Unlock World 7

To unlock the sky themed World 7, you must defeat the Petey Piranha boss as MiniMario.

Unlock World 4

To unlock the jungle themed World 4, you must defeat the Mummipokey boss as MiniMario.

We have no easter eggs for New Super Mario Bros. yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for New Super Mario Bros. yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Created by: Matthew M. Jean.Read the full guide...

Created by: Devin Morgan.Read the full guide...

Created by: Brian P. Sulpher.Read the full guide...

  • Alternate endings

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding ending.
Successfully complete the game with less than 100 Star Coins. The Princess will say 'Did I ever tell you about the Secret World?'

New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe Game Guide

Successfully complete the game will all Star Coins from Worlds 1 through 8. The Princess will say, 'Oh Mario, tell me about your adventure again!'
  • Alternate paths

The following levels have secret exits.
World 1
Level 1-3: Leads to a cannon.
World 2
Level 2-4: Warp pipe directly to the castle.
Level 2-6: Leads to a cannon.
World 3

Super Mario Bros Cheats

Ghost House: Leads to a cannon.
Level 3-4: Warp to level 3-5 or castle.
Level 3-5: Star Mushroom House.
World 4
Fortress: Leads to a cannon.
Ghost House: Star Mushroom House.
World 5
Ghost House: Leads to a cannon.
World 6
Level 6-5: Castle back door.
Level 6-6: Cannon.
World 7
Fortress: Warp to level 7-6.
Ghost House: Warp to level 7-5.
World 8
Level 8-2: Warp to level 8-7.
  • Auto Pilot mode

Intentionally fail a level eight times. In Auto Pilot mode Mario will automatically complete a level.
  • Avoid random encounters

You can encounter random enemies on the world map, To avoid them, activate a Star from your item menu.
  • Dead player sounds

In multi-player mode, when someone runs out of lives during a level they can hold the D-pad in any direction and press 1 and 2 to make sounds such as a cowbell, drums, clapping, and a horn.
  • Double Ground Pound (Multiplayer)

With at least two human players you can perform a special double ground pound that has the ability to kill all nearby enemies much like a POW block. You'll need to time your ground pound (press JUMP then DOWN) so both players hit precisely at the same moment.
  • Easy coins

Stand still, then Spin Jump on a dancing flower to get a coin.
  • Extra lives

In World 2, you can jump on the turtle as done in New Super Mario Bros. to get extra lives until you choose to stop or until time runs out.
If you are riding on a Yoshi and jump on the bullets seven or eight times you will get as many extra lives as desired.
Kill eight enemies with a star on you to get an extra life. You can keep it going until the star runs out if you are fast enough.
Kill eight enemies with a turtle shell you will get an extra life. You can keep hitting the turtle shell until there are no more enemies if you run fast enough.
Jump on seven turtles to get an extra life. You can keep jumping on the turtles until there are no more to jump on if you are fast enough.
Freeze the Pokeies then do a quick Ground Pound to get at least five extra lives.
  • Flower Coins

Shake the Wii Remote to spin and jump on any of the small, dancing flowers in the game to make a coin appear. | Submitted by FlameFist95
  • Hatless Mario

Get 99 lives and Mario will no longer wear his hat. If you complete a level with 99 lives, Mario will not be wearing a hat at the map screen or the next level. He will wear a hat again if his lives drop below 99.
  • Head protection

When in front of a small item such as a turtle shell, press 1 and shake the Wiimote while picking it up. Holding it over your head will protect you from falling objects.
  • Knock Out Marauding Enemies

On the world map you'll encounter marauding enemies. To avoid these map screen enemies you can activate a star from your item menu.
  • Lose Your Hat Easter Egg

Once you get 99 lives, Mario will lose his hat! When you beat a level with a full 99 count, Mario will appear hat-less on the map screen and in subsequent gameplay. You'll regain your hat once you lose a single life. | Submitted by FlameFist95
  • Make mushroom houses appear in multiplayer

To get a mushroom house to appear in multiplayer, you simply need to clear the level when the time has the same 2 end digits next to each other when you touch the flag pole. Examples: 544, 322, 411. Depending on the two end digits, you will make different mushroom houses appear at the start point, as you would in single player when you save a Toad, only the digits are mostly red mushroom houses. Two zeros at the end will get you nothing. When you do this, you hear the original Super Mario Bros. level clear music and see a number of fireworks depending on what the last 2 digits are. 1 firework for 11, 2 for 22, and so on.
UnlockableHow to Unlock
  • Gold Mushroom House
  • Touch the flagpole with last 2 time digits as 99.
  • Green Mushroom House
  • Touch the flagpole with last 2 time digits as 11 or 22 at the end.
  • Red Mushroom House
  • Touch the flagpole with last 2 time digits as 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, or 88.
  • Movies

Collect all three Star Coins on a level to the Hint Movie for that particular level.
  • Mushroom House Bonanza

Beat the game to make all the Mushroom houses in Worlds 1-8 reappear. Collect all the Star Coins and visit every Warp Cannon to make the houses reappear and stay for good.
  • Mushroom houses

Select a level with a white Toad marker. Listen for Toad when the level starts then break the '?' block that he is inside to free him. Reach the end of the level to make a mushroom house appear. The following types of mushroom house with a mini-game or reward will appear, depending on the last number of the timer when you collect the flag to end the level.
Green house with 1-Up Cannon mini-game: Last number of the timer is 0, 1, 2 or 3.
Red house with Match mini-game: Last number of the timer is 4, 5 or 6.
Gold house with Star reward: Last number of the timer is 7, 8 or 9.
Successfully complete the game to gave all Mushroom Houses in Worlds 1 through 8 reappear.
To have Mushroom Houses to appear in multi-player mode, complete the level with the last two numbers of the timer have the same digit, except for zero. The original Super Mario Bros. level completion music and fireworks will confirm that it has worked.
Gold Mushroom House: Last two numbers of the timer is 99.
Green Mushroom House: Last two numbers of the timer is 11 or 22.
Red Mushroom House: Last two numbers of the timer is 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, or 88.
  • Save Anywhere

After you beat the game (beat World 8-Bowser's Castle) you'll be able to 'hard save' anywhere you'd like. The option replaces the Quick Save option.
  • Save option

Complete the final castle of World 8. A 'Save' option will replace the 'Quick Save' option, allowing you to save anywhere on the map.
  • Sounds From Beyond the Grave

When you're playing multiplayer and one of the players runs out of lives mid-level, he or she can still contribute to the game from the Great Beyond. Each direction of the D-pad is mapped to a different sound effect. Hold a direction and hit the 1 and 2 buttons to trigger different sounds, including clapping, a horn, kick and snare drums, and of course cowbell. The unfortunate players waiting for the level to end can add a drum line to the music.
  • Stealing Red Mushroom Houses (Multiplayer)

When playing multiplayer you can steal your teamates turn in the Red Mushroom House match game by performing a ground pound on him. | Submitted by FlameFist95
  • Super Guide mode

Intentionally fail a level eight times. You will now be able to hit a green 'Super Guide' block marked with a '!' in the level. This sets the game on auto-pilot and Luigi will automatically complete the level for you. Note: This is not available in World 9.
  • Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario Galaxy reference

During the introduction sequence, you can see Bowser Jr. and the other Koopalings leave after kidnapping Princess Peach and taking off in an airship from Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario Galaxy.
When you enter the airship the background music is the airship song found on Super Mario Galaxy.
  • Super Mario Bros. and New Super Mario Bros. references

Reach the goal with a time of 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, or 99 to see from one to nine fireworks.
  • Super Mario Bros. reference

Complete the first level or any level while rescuing a captured toadstool in single player mode to hear end of level music from Super Mario Bros.
  • Title screen stars

Complete one of the indicated tasks to unlock a star at the title screen.
Successfully complete the game.
Successfully complete all normal levels.
Collect all 207 Star Coins in Worlds 1 through 8.
Complete World 9 with all 24 Star Coins.
Complete all levels with all alternate paths (all Warp Cannons and Mushroom Houses used).
Additionally, successfully complete all levels without unlocking the Super Guide Block (do not die eight times) to unlock sparkling stars.
  • Turtle Tipping for 99 Lives

You can use the decades old turtle-on-the-stairs trick from Super Mario Bros. to get 99 lives in New SMB Wii. Go to world 2-3 and, at the end, right before the flag, you'll find a set of steps and a turtle ambling down them. If you time your jump just right you'll continue bouncing on the shell collecting lives until you max out at 99.
  • Unlimited Coins (World 4)

In a two-player game, enter World 4's final castle. Make sure that at least one player has Ice power (either the flower or the penguin suit will suffice). Work your way through the level until you reach the first panel that you can pound in order to switch to the back of the grate. Have one player (the one with Ice power) stand on the rightmost '?' block just to the left of the panel. The other player should climb the grate to reach the switchable part, carefully avoiding the Koopa while climbing. When the Koopa is on the back of the panel, have the player with Ice power freeze it, and have the second player slam the panel around. The Koopa should now start spewing an endless stream of coins.
  • World 9

Successfully complete the game to unlock World 9. The levels in World 9 are only available if all Star Coins are collected in the previous Worlds.
Level 9-1: Collect all Star Coins in World 1.
Level 9-2: Collect all Star Coins in World 2.
Level 9-3: Collect all Star Coins in World 3.
Level 9-4: Collect all Star Coins in World 4.
Level 9-5: Collect all Star Coins in World 5.
Level 9-6: Collect all Star Coins in World 6.
Level 9-7: Collect all Star Coins in World 7.
Level 9-8: Collect all Star Coins in World 8.
Level 9-9: Collect all Star Coins in all previous levels of World 9.
  • Yoshi's Island series reference

After defeating the Koopa Kids once, Kamek casts a spell to make them tougher for the rematch. In Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's Island DS, he also cast spells on those Bosses that made them tougher.
When fighting Bowser after you press the button, Kemek will cast a spell on Bowser to make him bigger and stronger. This also happens in Yoshi's Island DS.


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