You can pause the process you are cheating on, by clicking on the 'Advanced options' box from the main window and then clicking on the pause icon. This requires the debugger to be attached to the process (you will be prompted for this if you aren't already attached).
1. Open Element Client
2. Open CheatEngine
3. Attach CheatEngine to Element
4. Make sure you have a key bound to CheatEngines 'pause thread' ability (for me it's F12, can be bound at Edit > Settings > Hotkeys > Pause Selected Process)
5. Make sure you have the Element Client in focus and rendering unfrozen etc and press F12 (or w/e your bound key is)
6. The client will freeze in its current state
7. CheatEngine will say the process is 'paused'
8. Search for the value 1 (4 byte default search is fine)
9. Go back to Element and unpause it
10. Go out of Element and then let it freeze on its own
11. Pause Element again just in case...
12. Search for 0 with 'next scan'
13. Repeat step 5-12 until you only have 1 value left, its name will probably be green (meaning its static)
14. You can probably stop early IF you get a single green address quickly (for example my clients address is 00927A48) then set the value to 1 (for unfrozen) or 0 (for frozen) and click the 'Frozen' checkbox, it now forces the client into whatever mode you want!
I also recommend you save that address somewhere (or export to a cheat table) so you don't have to do this all the time
Cheat Engine 6.4
LotusIIRECS(UE)[!].gen |