Is It Worth To Cheat In A Video Games

And while you can easily get cheats for just about anything in the single-player mode of this brilliant game, finding GTA 5 cheats to make more money free that work is an entirely different ballgame. That’s because if players were somehow able to get their hands on a GTA 5 money generator that can give them an infinite stack of digital.

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  2. Is It Worth To Cheat In A Video Games Play
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  4. Is It Worth To Cheat In A Video Games Free

Video games have been sparking the interest of kids and adults since the Atari was born in 1972. From the original games like Pong and Pacman, to newer games seen in high definition, the video game market is constantly evolving.

I’ve been a video game lover my entire life, sticking almost entirely to the sports games that are released each year. I’ve spent countless hours in front of a television screen, sometimes alone, sometimes with family and friends. Was this all wasted time? Are video games worth the time they consume and the money they cost?

How Video Games Can Have a Positive Impact

I got my first video game console when I was 13. I’d played some games before at neighbors’ homes, but this was my first experience with my own system. It was a great way for my dad, my brothers, and I to have fun and build bonds. While this may not be the case with everyone, the hours spent playing with my family and friends have led to a number of memories I’ll never forget.

What’s Wrong with Too Much Gaming?

Video games have taken some heat in recent years due to issues with youth violence and youth obesity. Critics of video games see them as contributing to these two important issues. Kids play too many video games and don’t get outside, leading to an increasing number of them being overweight. There have been a rising number of violent acts by youth, leading some to believe that first person shooter games may be a cause. Video games can cause schoolwork to slip. If overdone, video games can be a problem for children everywhere.

The Fine Line

Some kids neglect to leave the house and play video games for hours on end. This can definitely lead to obesity and general poor health. In moderation, video games can be entertaining and positive, but too much gaming can be detrimental. Where’s the line drawn?

David’s Note: I remember spending countless hours on role-playing games like Diablo or racing games like Grand Turismo. I’m pretty sure someone can argue that I spent way too much time on them at certain times of my youth, but it will forever be a mystery whether I would actually be doing something productive instead if I never picked up a controller.

In fact, it’s hard for me to blame video games — since they naturally pushed me to spend a ton of time on the computer, ultimately piquing my interests to earn a masters degree in engineering. Though my business isn’t exactly engineering-oriented, the technical knowledge helps me tremendously with coding and understanding how the parts of this site connect together.

And let’s not forget the joy that these games provided! I still get an urge to go out and buy a copy whenever a new version comes out, since the release always bring back a flood of memories. I really don’t play anymore, but I don’t have a hint of regret for doing so back in the day.

Is It Worth To Cheat In A Video Games Online

What’s Your Experience?

My experience with video games has been very positive. Just the other night, my brothers and I played on the same team in a college football game. We had one of the most exciting times we’ve ever had playing a video game. To me, that alone is worth the cost.

I have found video games to be a good bonding activity, as well as an entertaining way to spend time inside. What’s your experience like?

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Is It Worth To Cheat In A Video Games
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Is It Worth To Cheat In A Video Games
5. Spawn a Tank (Grand Theft Auto 3)

Is It Worth To Cheat In A Video Games Play

How to Execute: Press Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle.

Effect: Drops a tank from the air right in front of you.

Speaking of just screwing around, the Spawn a Tank Code was the ultimate toy. Anyone who has played any Grand Theft Auto game knows that a time comes when you want to ignore the missions and just cause as much havoc as you possibly can. The tank was almost impervious to damage, could launch missiles, and could crush things just by running over them. There was no better way to cause mass chaos. If you ever got to the point where you were just too bored to keep playing the GTA3 campaign, you could always save and go on one last tank rampage before turning in for the night. Keep those six stars shining.

How to Execute: On the Code of Honor screen press A,B,A,C,A,B,B.

Effect: Unlocks all the blood and gore of the arcade original.

Let's face it, we fell in love with Mortal Kombat because of its blood and gore. But when the controversy hit the news and the 'experts' said that MK was corrupting our youth, the guys at Midway decided to censor all that in the home version. But they knew what we really wanted to see, and, thankfully, they gave us the means to see it. So all that 'censorship for the sake of the children' bull crap went straight down the toilet. Shortly thereafter, the ESRB was developed, and the game rating system allowed games like MK to be produced with all the blood and gore intact. But it's still nice to know that Midway was willing to create a code that spit in the face of politicians and concerned parents everywhere. Don't worry, we turned out fine. We grew up into respectable young men and women whose idea of having fun is spawning a tank in Grand Theft Auto and going on a rampage. Oops.

3. Play as the Same Character (Street Fighter II)

How to Execute: At the Capcom logo screen, press down, R, up, L, Y, B.

Effect: Allows two players to play as the same character.

Is It Worth To Cheat In A Video Games To Play

Once again, this is an example of a cheat code that made a game more playable. In every fighting game afterward, players were able to pick the same character with alternate costumes right from the get go. However, back in the early days of the SNES, this seemed outlandish and weird, so the ability to do so was hidden behind a cheat code. This code was entered any time a tournament was held. Perhaps you could say that this cheat code has been permanently entered for every fighting game to come out since.

How to Execute: Type iddqd.

Effect: Health stays at 100%.

This was the first invincibility code. 'God Mode' was perhaps a bit of a misnomer—it didn't give you as much omnipotent power as the Sonic II debug code, after all—but it did make you invincible. And it felt awesome. God Mode was originally made as a debug tool in order to allow programmers to go through the game without taking damage. However, when gamers realized how much fun it was to play through a game without dying, they started entering the code as well. Soon, the term 'God Mode' was coined and games all over started giving you ways to become invincible. And if the games themselves didn't, we just figured out Game Genie codes that did. This was cheating reduced to its purest form: the inability to lose.

1. The Konami Code (Contra, and pretty much every NES-era Konami game)

How to Execute: Really? You don't know this one? Fine. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left right, B, A, start.

Is It Worth To Cheat In A Video Games Free

Effect: Gives you 30 lives instead of 3.

Any list of best cheat codes would be incomplete without the Konami Code. This infamous code made Contra—a nearly impossible game—actually playable. It also gave you extra lives in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, unlocked new songs and modes in Dance Dance Revolution, and even made the frog from the remake of Frogger grow gigantic! However, did you know that Contra wasn't the first game to use this code? The code was actually first implemented in Gradius, where it activated all power-ups on your ship.

Outside of the gaming world, the Konami Code has found its way to t-shirts, song lyrics, pop art, and more. It's arguably the most recognizable cheat code in all of video game history, and there's no other code more deserving of the number one spot on our list.

By Angel D'Argenio
CCC Contributing Writer

*The views expressed within this article are solely the opinion of the author and do not express the views held by Cheat Code Central.*